Goudy, C. (1992) Structural Systems Technology, Inc.,
196 days. Three cases required more than 540 days
McLean, Virginia, personal communication.
and 16 required 300 or more days.
Laiho, J. (1993) Finnish Broadcasting Company, Hel-
Damage costs for 73 failures, shown to increase as
sinki, Finland, personal communication.
a function of tower height, averaged more than
Lott, N. and T. Ross (1994) 1994 weather in the south-
3,000, although the standard deviation was
east; The February ice storm and the July flooding.
large, due to lack of data refinement.
National Climatic Data Center, Technical Report 94-
03, October 12, 1994.
Marshall, D.G. (1992) LeBlanc & Royle Telcom, Inc.,
The author wishes to thank Kathleen Jones and
Oakville, Ontario, Canada, personal communication.
Michael Ferrick of CRREL's Snow and Ice Division
Monts, D.E. (1992) Kline Towers, Columbia, South
for their technical reviews and many helpful sugges-
Carolina, personal communication.
tions, David Fisk for editorial review, Matthew Pacillo
NCDC (19601994) Local climatological data monthly
for illustration preparation, and Donna Valliere for
summary (for selected U.S. cities). National Climat-
manuscript production.
ic Data Center, Asheville, North Carolina.
NOAA (19591995) Storm data and unusual weather
phenomena with late reports and corrections. National
Duvall, V.G. (1993) Telecommunications Group, Inc.,
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National
Friendswood, Texas, personal communication.
Ennis, H.E. (1979) Television Broadcasting: Equip-
Climatic Data Center, Asheville, North Carolina.
ment, Systems, and Operating Fundamentals. India-
O'Brien, K. (1994) U.S. Dept. Of Commerce, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National
napolis: Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc, 2nd ed., p. 540
Ocean Service, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Rockville,
Maryland, personal communication.
USGS (1995) GNIS: Geographic Names Information
in response to: The February 18, 1994 Federal Disas-
ter Declaration for the State of Mississippi. Federal
System [CD-ROM ]. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston,
Emergency Management Agency, FEMA-1009-DR-
Virginia, Sept 1993.