the full length of the runway and executed its
remarkable degree of smoothness was consistently
turn-around at the south end without difficulty.
mentioned; observers at the 5000-ft mark could
The plane slowly taxied back to the ramp at the
detect no wing deflections at touch-down or dur-
north end and again turned fully to align with
ing run-out. The aircraft was fueled and loaded
the fuel pit on the west side of the ramp. Some
with priority science cargo totaling 13,325 kg
front wheel skidding occurred during this sharp
(29,350 lb) plus 54 passengers (cover photo). It
proceeded with takeoff (Fig. 67), pulling clear of
Conversations with the pilot and his crew indi-
the runway at the 5000-ft mark. The runway suf-
cated extreme satisfaction with the runway. The
fered no damage from the C-141 operation.
Figure 67. C-141 takeoff from the Pegasus runway following successful tests in February 1994.