the runway construction team and the facility
and-go and then a full-stop landing. Finally, a
managers on the impressions and findings from
takeoff to the north (all previous landings and
the event. Any physical or operational concerns
takeoffs were to the south) was performed and
should be discussed fully and any problem areas
the aircraft returned to Williams Field. No control
should be identified. A plan should be made for
problems were experienced at any time and the
rectifying any concerns. This will be followed by
runway was deemed to be very suitable for
setup of the appropriate infrastructure and sup-
wheeled operations.
port functions for full flight operations and a
Complete runway surface inspection, both from
schedule for working flights.
the cockpit and from personnel on the ground,
The flight test at Pegasus was very conveniently
showed no evidence of any damage to the ice
accomplished with one of the LC-130 aircraft op-
surface (Fig. 66). The plane deliberately taxied at
erating out of Williams Field skiway. On 6 Febru-
slow speed over a patched area with no negative
ary 1993, a Hercules departed from the skiway
consequences. The Pegasus glacial ice runway was
with only a flight crew on board and landed at
opened on 7 February 1993 for wheeled (L)C-130
Pegasus on wheels (Fig. 65). The landing weight
was 47,700 kg (105,000 lb). Taxi, steering, and
Operational tests for a C-141 took place the
braking tests were performed. The pilot reported
following season, on 7 February 1994, when a
that the aircraft was very controllable, and that
USAF C-141 flew from Christchurch to a landing
the runway was comparable to the sea ice run-
on the Pegasus glacial ice runway. The plane
way at McMurdo (operated between approxi-
weighed 104,400 kg (230,000 lb) on landing. It
mately 1 October and 15 December each year),
touched down exactly at the north-end zero
perhaps somewhat smoother. The aircraft was
threshold and had reached a slow taxi speed
fueled to increase gross weight and to practice
within 6000 ft using wheel brakes and a slight
fueling procedures at Pegasus. The plane taxied
amount of reverse thrust. Snow billowing was
on skis for a short distance to determine the suit-
not a problem. Between 2.5 and 7.5 cm (1 and 3
ability of the runway to support ski operations if
in.) of processed snow cover was present on the
necessary. The pilot felt that skied landings and
ice surface. The small, high-pressure tires ap-
takeoffs were certainly feasible from the runway.
peared to displace the snow only where more
A wheeled takeoff was then completed at 55,400
than 5 cm (2 in.) were present or where prior C-
kg (122,000 lb), followed by a high speed touch-
130 wheel tracks had existed. The C-141 taxied
Figure 66. First tracks of aircraft tires on newly constructed glacial ice runway.