study because it is believed to regulate the thermody- Liquid-water content retrieval techniques.
namic structure and radiative coupling of the marine Single-band retrieval techniques. Frisch et
boundary layer (Frisch et al. 1995). Lhermitte (1987)
al. (1995) develop theory and demonstrate, using the
developed theory for W-band radar and demonstrated
NOAA ETL radar (Martner and Kropfli 1993), the
some of its capabilities as a Doppler radar, but he did not
retrieval of drizzle and cloud droplet parameters with a
measure cloud liquid-water content.
Ka-band radar and a radiometer for measuring integrated
A University of Massachusetts 95-GHz dual-polarized
liquid water. Doppler techniques were used to measure
radar for ground-based and airborne use flies on the
the drizzle drop-size spectra, and drizzle and cloud
University of Wyoming King Air research aircraft (Mead
liquid-water content were measured from reflectivity.
et al. 1994). It has a demonstrated range of 0.1 to 2.9 km
Cloud liquid-water content was computed by using
and has observed 1- to 2-mm graupel with some rimed,
Doppler velocities of drizzle and cloud to parse the two
branched crystals, crystal aggregates up to 4 mm diame-
liquid-water contents. Overall, by using Ka-band radar,
ter, and needles up to 1 mm diameter. In a study with
Doppler features, and a simple drizzle model, the
this radar, a 30-km segment of shallow stratus produc-
authors were able to extract drop number, size distribu-
ing freezing drizzle was flown. The radar beam, point-
tion, liquid-water content, and mean liquid-water flux.
ing vertically, observed detailed cloud structure at 30-m
They indicate that there is a potential for ground-based
resolution, and radar backscatter was compared to cloud
remote sensors to do long-term monitoring of cloud and
parameters measured with in-situ instruments. The radar-
drizzle parameters, such as at airports. This radar sys-
enhanced interpretation of in-situ measurements was not
tem in a scanning mode, together with a RASS for
itself used to measure specific cloud physical parame-
measuring temperature profiles, may be an adequate
ters. A similar radar, built by the University of Massa-
airport-based system.
chusetts and the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, the Airborne
Liao and Sassen (1994) have also developed a tech-
Cloud Radar, flies on a NASA DC-8. More than 50 hours
nique, although only as modeled theory, that allows
extraction of cloud liquid-water content by linking
clouds, and melting layers have been observed (GEWEX
liquid-water content and reflectivity, assuming a drop
concentration of 100 cm3. The model applies for esti-
In other W-band applications, Klugmann and Judasch-
mating liquid-water content in nonprecipitating cumulus
ke (1996) have developed a W-band Doppler radar in
and stratocumulus clouds. They also developed theory
Germany to measure vertical velocities within clouds by
for extracting ice water contents from clouds with Ka-
tracking drop speeds. Clothiaux et al. (1995) also
band reflectivity.
explored the use of W-band radar combined with other
remote sensors. They indicate that, when pointed at
niques. Combining two radar frequencies and analyz-
zenith, W-band radar is valuable for mapping cloud base
ing cloud liquid-water content using differential atten-
and top, but base is often indicated as too low because of
uation has become a preferred method of measuring
range-resolved cloud liquid water. According to Mart-
compute cloud liquid-water content from the radar, in-situ
measurements of liquid-water content were compared
significantly different liquid-water attenuation coeffi-
with the radar calibration, and calibrations were consis-
cients to measure cloud water and ice content was first
tent with in-situ measurements.
theorized by Atlas (1954). Martner et al. (1991) and
Sassen and Liao (1996) developed theory for meas-
Gosset and Sauvageot (1992) independently developed
uring the contents of ice and water clouds from W-band
field tests and additional theory, concluding that the best
radars. They indicate that for most cloud drops, Rayleigh
scattering applies in W band, and they provide algorithms
and Kropfli (1991) patented the concept. According to
for computing cloud liquid and ice content from reflec-
Martner et al. (1993a), as the radar beams enter a cloud,
tivities. Fox and Illingworth (1997a,b) computed W-band
the Ka band is attenuated more rapidly than the X band.
reflectivity and cloud liquid-water content from more
Assuming Rayleigh attenuation, the range derivative
than 4000 km of flight in-situ drop spectra measurements
of the difference of the reflectivities is proportional to
by aircraft. They computed the probability of detecting
the liquid-water content. Both water and ice contribute
various values of liquid-water content as a function of
to the reflectivity. However, according to Martner et al.
(1993b), only the liquid water generates the differen-
predominance of drizzle drops in marine stratocumulus.
tial attenuation needed to compute liquid-water content.
They concluded that a highly sensitive space-based ra-
dar could detect 100% of all marine and stratocumulus
bands--very small.
clouds, but it was not clear if cloud liquid-water content
According to Gosset and Sauvageot (1992), the dual-
could be directly measured.
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