Please give the physical and
mechanical specifications of each
of your vinyl sheet pile products
7. Historic Data
7.1 1989
7.1 C-LOC was first marketed by C-LOC
See Appendix
Retention Systems out of Utica, MI in 1985. The
7.1 Date when was the first time
7.2 Original products were extruded
inventor was Larry Berger. C-LOC was first
your PVC sheet pile product
entirely out of virgin vinyl. When
manufactured by Minton Plastics, located in
marketed and then installed.
recycled vinyl was incorporated, the
Canada. Crane Plastics began manufacturing
sheet piling was co-extruded with
7.2 Have you changed the raw
C-LOC in 1988. Crane bought the rights from
virgin capstock.
Berger in 1996.
additives, manufacturing process
Vinyl suppliers continue to improve the
7.2 No, the process or raw material has not
since the start time? If so, please
formulations on a regular basis.
comment on the changes.
7.3 To be addressed during field
7.3 Since Crane was not involved with the
7.3 Can you share the installation
evaluation in late January.
marketing or selling of the product for the first
data of at least three of your old
11 years of the products existence, we are
vinyl sheet piles installations? If
unaware of the name and location of the
yes, please give the following:
majority of installations. Most were on lakes and
7.3.1 Date of manufacture
the St. Clair River in Michigan. One very large
7.3.2 Date of installation
project in the mid 80's was Point Fuchon, in
7.3.3 Address of the installation
Houma, Louisiana. It was originally the C-LOC
CL-1250, which has been discontinued. In the
7.3.4 Names and Specifications
late 90's, CL-4500 was installed in the
of the products installed.
development. The developer of the site was
7.3.5 Functional requirements of
Albert Bankston, 985-396-2241 or 985-396-
the installation
7.3.6 Driving method used
7.3.7 Length of the installation
7.3.8 Depth inside ground
7.3.9 Depth inside water
7.3.10 Exposed length above
7.3.11 Do you know of any
problems with this installation, for
example: Excessive deformation/
flexure, cracks, Interlock failure, or
any other?
8. Life Cycle
8.1 Plastics Industry product life
8.1 The warranty of the sheet piling is a 50-year
8.1 Over 50 years of expected life cycle, how-
expectancy of 50+ years.
pro-rated warranty. Since the PVC is an inert
ever, there is no real baseline for determining
8.1 What is the expected life cycle
material, we expect the product to perform even
"normal use" in a retaining structure due to the
of your product under normal use?
8.2 Millions of square feet of product
many changes in the loading factors. Our prod-
in use in excess of 10+ years.
8.2 Have you performed any test
ucts, when incorporated into a properly engi-
8.2 I don't believe so.
to establish this life cycle?
8.3. Millions of square feet of product
neered and installed wall, using the correct
in use in excess of 10+ years.
8.3 No. However, we have based this believe
8.3 Do you have any data to
strength profile predicated on the expected
on the 56 years of manufacturing thermo-plastic
establish this life cycle without
loads, designed with a reasonable factor of
building products
safety, should be a serviceable wall place well
beyond the 50 year mark. Our transferable war-