Table 2. Comparative assessments of the manufacturers' data.
Materials International
Crane Products
Crane Products Ltd.
1. General: Name, address, tel
Materials International,
Northstar Vinyl Products, LLC
2141 Fairwood Ave.
no. fax no. e-mail address and
4501 Circle 75 Parkway
Columbus, OH 43207
website (if any) of the company
Suite E-5370
Atlanta, GA 30339
614-449-0945 fax
770-933-8363 fax
2. Products: Commercial
ShoreGuard 225, 300, 400, 425, 550,
C-Loc Engineered Vinyl Sheet Piling
Northstar Vinyl Sheet Pile
names/model numbers of the vinyl
700, 950
CL-2500, CL-4500, CL-9000,CL-9900
Series 8000i, 4000i, 3100c, and 2550c
sheet pile products.
GeoGuard 225, 300, 400, 425, 550,
Perma-LOC Environmental Barrier Wall:
700, 950
PL-2500, PL-4500, PL-9000, PL-9900
3. Raw materials for the vinyl
3.1 Post industrial recycled with virgin
3.1 C-Loc uses post-industrial rigid PVC for the
3.1 Our PVC material is primarily postindustrial
sheet piles:
substrate and virgin PVC weatherable
re-grind resins, meeting the criteria for "external
compound for the capstock.
grade" PVC, which includes UV inhibitors and
3.1 Please specify the PVC used
3.2 Cell Classification ASTM D4216
impact modifiers.
is recycled/post industrial/or virgin
confirmed by Certificate of Analysis.
3.2 All substrate raw materials are tested at
CPL for pre-approval of a new vendor or new
3.2. This resin formulation meets the ASTM D
3.2 Any standards to which the
3.3 Cell Classification ASTM D4216
material and then quarterly spot checks are
4216-87 standard cell classification for
raw material conforms, and how it
confirmed by Certificate of Analysis.
done in the CPL lab on The tests performed are
weatherable compounds. We require written
is ensured.
confirmation from our PVC vendors that the
3.3 If your company to ensure the
processing parameters, ASTM D4226 for dart
scrap we purchase meets this standard. We
quality and specifications of the
drop impact (min. of 2.0 in-lbs./mil), and ASTM
then visually inspect the materials upon delivery
raw materials performs any tests
D790 for flexural modulus (min. 400,000 psi).
and depend on our experience to recognize the
please give details.
product scraps as weatherable. (Our extrusion
3.3 See above current materials.
operation has been in business since 1952).
3.3 Upon producing the initial run of sheet pile,
we subject it to ASTM D 4226 and D 256-00
impact testing which quickly tells us that our
material is of the proper cell classification.
4. Manufacturing Process:
4.1 Co-extrusion.
4.1 C-Loc and Perma-LOC sheet piling ranges
4.1 Our process begins with the selection and
in thickness from 0.175" to 0.360". It is
purchase of "external grade" vinyl scraps gen-
4.1 Describe the process for
manufactured via the co-extrusion process
erated as post industrial waste from the PVC
manufacturing the vinyl sheet piles
4.3 Color consistency of recycled
using post industrial regrind and capped with
building products industry. Our plant purchasing
from the raw materials.
component of sheet piling.
0.015" of virgin, weatherable PVC compound.
representative first visits the vendors, screens
4.2 Do you add any additives
their raw material paperwork to insure that their
4.2 Addition of a cross-linked acrylic deglossing
during the processing to
resin formulation is external grade, weatherable
manufacture the sheet piles?
compound prior to any purchase. Once deter-
4.3 The deglossing agent is added to give a 60
4.3 If you add any additives do
mined, the material is purchased in bulk and
they modify the properties of the
gloss reading of between 10 and 20.
shipped to our plant in Alabama. Once in
final physical and mechanical
house, visual inspection of the scrap takes
properties of the PVC in the sheet
place, relying on our 51 years of experience to
pile any way? If so, what
verify quality. We then separate the scrap by
modifications do you get.
color, if any, and begin a regrind operation to
reduce the scraps to a pellet measuring
between 1/4 in. to 3/8 in. particle, which insures