c. Near Augusta (photo Central
Maine Power).
e. Near Deblois (photo Jones).
d. Between Mount Vernon and Vienna at 500 ft (photo
Bill Duffy, Geomantics).
Figure 14 (cont'd). Tree damage in Maine.
tree clearing, better tree pruning practices, or a program to remove danger trees would lead to
greater reliability of the distribution system in future ice storms of any severity.
The Public Utility Commission in Maine collected distribution outage information from Cen-
tral Maine Power (CMP) and from Bangor Hydro. Central Maine Power provided tables listing
the number of outages each day in each of its districts, along with the number of customers in
each district. The severe damage to its system is summarized in the map in Fig. 16, which shows
the percentage of its customers without power in each district at the peak of the ice storm. Infor-
mation provided by Bangor Hydro, tables listing the average duration of outages reported by cus-
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