data by using RDBMS permissions to control access
mentation of an electronic document management sys-
and updates. Multiple versions of the data are also
tem (EDMS). The guidance may be downloaded
eliminated when using this type of software. Another
from The Corps of Engineers
benefit is the maintenance of skills, macros, and other
EDMS has been successfully deployed at the Jackson-
customized tools acquired during the life cycle of GIS
ville District, and it manages more than 100 Microsta-
and CADD use at the District. The Geospatial Data
tion licenses. The system has been incorporated into
and Systems work unit tested the usability of the SDE
the workflow and maintains a master copy of draw-
product within the Mississippi Valley Division. The
results of this demonstration are available as a supple-
GIS implementations of geospatial data manage-
ment to this report (Appendix D).
ment systems have not been as prevalent. The GIS
realm is a relatively new market, and most products
Problem: Cultural hurdles
are still available only in version 1.X. These systems,
such as ESRI's Spatial Database Engine (SDE) and
Technical issues related to sharing of data across
Bentley's Continuum, use a centralized server with
an organization are within a few development years
relational database technology. They provide control,
of being resolved, but the human and political issues
access, update authority, and attribute domain check-
related to true data sharing will take more effort. At
ing as well as the data in a variety of formats. Some
some surveyed Districts, data sharing is based more
are beginning to allow for multiple copies of the same
on who you know than on another paradigm. There
data layer. They maintain the integrity of the data due
are territorial disputes between various USACE sec-
to the security of the data and limit change authori-
tions to the detriment of the organization.
ties to thematic functional area experts. As part of
this work uni, a test was conducted using SDE within
the Mississippi Valley Division. The write-up of this
Sharing of data requires a certain level of trust,
demonstration project is available as a supplement to
for example, trust that the data will be used appro-
this report (Appendix D).
priately, trust that an in-kind sharing will be forth-
coming, and trust that each group will be included
Optimizing geospatial data work flow and
in future data procurement. This trust should be fos-
document flow
tered by the managers as well as the individuals
There has been some discussion on requiring the
use of pre-existing document storage systems that
mittees should help alleviate this problem. Data pro-
were not created specifically for use with GD&S to
curement cost sharing allows groups to get better or
"optimize" document and work flow in the USACE
larger datasets because of cost sharing and leverag-
GD&S arena. It certainly would be valuable to
ing. These datasets are of greater benefit to many
improve work flow, for example by making meta-
sections in a District. A corporate approach to data
data creation a standard and funded part of the GD&S
acquisition should be used whenever possible.
workflow. It would be valuable to improve document
flow by channeling all completed data collections into
Problem: Version control
geospatial data libraries. However, we believe that the
use of pre-existing work flow or document storage
Version control is a primary concern to USACE as
systems that are not designed for use with GD&S will
the number of data users for both CADD and GIS data
inhibit the productivity of USACE GD&S employees.
increases. Geospatial data are often saved on local
The description below shows that the diversity of
or personal computers as changes are made to a data
GD&S work, document, and data flow in USACE
layer. These changes may be made as another user
belies the possiblity that one solution will fit all jobs.
simultaneously makes changes to the same data layer
The diversity is due to the nature of the work being
that she has downloaded to her personal computer.
done. It is the responsibility of USACE employees
Since two copies of the data layer are being edited at
involved in each GD&S project to optimize the flow
the same time, it is difficult to discern which is the
of that project.
master data layer. When the error is discovered, one
person's work may have to be duplicated.
Problem: Work, document, and data flow
Requests for GD&S products come from the mili-
In the CADD arena, the Tri-Service CADD/GIS
tary, other federal, state, local, commercial agencies,
Center has developed guidelines for the imple-
other USACE elements, or within the District or Divi-