ation. Unfortunately, it only exists for use on Win-
unfamiliar with the FTP commands and hesitate to
dows-based PCs. This makes it less likely that the
use them. Training in computer-related classes for all
metadata will get created, because a large number
GD&S staff would ease a situation that is caused only
of GD&S personnel are working on UNIX worksta-
by unfamiliarity. Again, all employees and all new
tions due to the large processing capacity needed for
employees in GD&S areas should be required to take
GD&S work.
a specific class in metadata that covers metadata cre-
ation, submission to the USACE Server, and search-
ing on the National Clearinghouse. Research should
For those with UNIX workstations or Macs, this
be done on simplifying USACE Server metadata sub-
problem can only be overcome by going to another
computer to create metadata. CORPSMET will not be
written for UNIX or Macintosh platforms in the fore-
Data storage media
seeable future. If there are non-PC users doing GD&S
Data storage can be broken down into four main cat-
on site, they should have access to a public PC with
egories: active, online storage for immediate retrieval;
CORPSMET installed on it.
near-real-time storage, where the request must be
The next version of CORPSMET should be writ-
manually serviced prior to access of the data; archi-
ten in a software language that makes it transportable
val storage; and backup. Each type of storage has dif-
to all platforms, or it should run as a database appli-
ferent requirements and can be fulfilled by different
cation with a Web interface that is available from all
hardware. Each must have its place in a properly exe-
platforms. If CORPSMET is not going to be devel-
cuted data management system.
oped further, Headquarters should choose and stan-
dardize the Corps on another metadata creation plat-
Problem: Online storage
form that can be used on multiple systems.
The inclusion in GIS software of metadata cre-
Active online storage is used when actively manip-
ation modules is a valid alternative to CORPSMET if
ulating the data.
they produce metadata in the required Content Stan-
dard format described by the Federal Geospatial Data
Committee. Metadata creation is then integrated into
This type of storage must be fast and have enough
the normal workflow of data creation.
room to store the currently active datasets as well as
one or more working copies of each. It is used by
Problem: Putting metadata or data on USACE
programs that manipulate, massage, or analyze data,
Geospatial Server
generally with a person actively working with the sys-
tem. For this reason, it must have fast access times
We found that many USACE employees do not
with no excessive delays prior to retrieval. It must be
know how to create metadata or how to submit it to
capable of working with data discovery tools, as dis-
the USACE Geospatial Clearinghouse Node, which is
cussed above in the first problem, Data Discovery,
aligned with the National Geospatial Data Clearing-
under Geospatial Data and Systems Management.
house. Metadata that is available on the USACE Server
Currently, this need is being served by hard drives.
is simultaneously available through the National Geo-
spatial Data Clearinghouse to anyone with an Inter-
Problem: Near-real-time storage
net connection. This supports Executive Order 12909
by offering the general public one place to go for fed-
Near-real-time storage is used for commonly
erally owned geospatial data. If GD&S proponents
accessed datasets. These are datasets that do not
don't put their metadata on the Server, people will
change frequently but are referenced, copied, or used
not go to the National Clearinghouse and search for
by users and other datasets often.
their data requirements. People will not find the data
they need. This negative feedback loop reduces the
chances of successfully offering centralized availabil-
Near-real-time storage must be readily available,
ity of geospatial metadata and data in the future.
but immediate. Real-time access is not necessary. It
does not need to be as fast as real-time storage, but it
must be reliable. It must also work with the data dis-
Metadata is moved to the USACE Server using
covery tools. Currently two main types of hardware
file transfer protocol (FTP) software. Some people are
are serving these data needs: hard drives and disk