a. TMA-5.
b. TMM-1.
c. PMA-1A.
d. PMA-2.
Figure 1. Land mines.
were buried as described above. Burial depths for the
vidual mines of each type buried at the FLW site is con-
two sets of mines varied from 2 to 15 cm to their tops, in
fidential, as the site is being used for blind testing of
accordance with manufacturers' specifications (Table 6).
All mines were buried manually according to manu-
Background characterization of soils at the
facturers' specifications; the mines were covered with
DARPA Electronic Nose Testing Facility
the same soil that was removed from the hole and, when
A series of soil samples was collected from areas at
possible, the vegetative cover was replaced and watered
least 5 m from the nearest buried mine to allow us to
to allow the mine scar to heal as rapidly as possible.
characterize the physical and chemical nature of the
A second set of mines was buried during the week
soils at the site. Soil samples were collected on three
of 13 April 1999. These mines included the Type 72, a
occasions by removing surface litter and collecting the
Chinese plastic-cased antitank mine containing 5.4 kg
top several inches of soil. Nine samples were collected
of 50%TNT:50%RDX; the VS2.2, an Italian antitank
in the first sampling event (samples designated 1
through 9); 50 samples were collected during the sec-
TNT 60%/40%); the TS50, an Italian plastic-cased
ond sampling event (samples designated with numer-
antipersonnel mine containing 50 g of T4 (TNT/RDX);
als followed by a or b to indicate the upper 58 cm of
and the VS-50, an Italian plastic-cased antipersonnel
soil, a, or the next 58 cm, b); and 12 samples were
mine containing 43 g of pressed RDX. These mines
to contents