Analysis of Explosives-Related Chemical Signatures in Soil Samples Collected Near Buried Land Mines Table 2. Concentrations of ERC components on land mine surfacesTable 3. Mean flux (ng/mine-day) into air for 1,3-DNB, 2,4-DNT, and 2,4,6-TNT from PMA-1A PMA-2, TMA-5, and TMM-1 land minesTable 4. Analytes most commonly detected in soils collected from an experimental minefield at Fort Leonard Wood, 2 months after the mines were buriedMATERIALS AND METHODS - ERDC-TR00-50013Background characterization of soils at the DARPA Electronic Nose Testing FacilityFigure 2. Location of soil samples for physical characterization at Fort Leonard Wood, MissouriSoil sampling for characterization of explosives-related chemical signaturesSoil sample collection during April, July, and November 1999Table 10. Retention times on analytical and confirmation columnsRP-HPLC-UV determinationRESULTS AND DISCUSSION - ERDC-TR00-50020Table 13. Characteristics of first set of Fort Leonard Wood soilsTable 16. Frequency of detection of ERCs in soil samples collected near buried mines in August 1998Figure 3. Locations of various ERCs detected in surface soil near buried TMA-5 land mine EX-265 in August 1998Soil samples collected in November 1998Table 17. Frequency of detection of ERCs in soil samples collected near buried mines in November 1998Soil samples collected in April 1999Figure 5. Locations of various ERCs detected in surface soil near buried TMA-5 land mines in April 1999Figure 6. Locations of various ERCs detected in surface soil near buried PMA-1A land mines in April 1999Soil samples collected in July 1999Figure 7. Locations of various ERCs detected in surface soil near buried TMA-5 land mines in July 1999Figure 8. Locations of various ERCs detected in surface soil near buried PMA-1A land mines in July 1999Soil samples collected in November 1999Figure 9. Locations of various ERCs detected in surface soil near buried TMA-5 land mines in November 1999Figure 10. Locations of various ERCs detected in surface soil near buried PMA-1A land mine EX-048 in November 1999Figure 11. Detection frequency for ERCs in soil samples collected near buried TMA-5 land minesFigure 11. Continued - ERDC-TR00-50036Figure 12. Detection frequency for ERCs in soil samples collected near buried PMA-1A land minesRemaining surface contamination levels on buried minesTable 21. Concentration of analytes found on mine surfaces after being buried for periods up to 472 daysSoil-air partition coefficients for soils collected at the Fort Leonard Wood research minefieldTable 22. Partition coefficients for selected Fort Leonard Wood soils removed from under and around buried mines in April and November 1999CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR CHEMICAL DETECTION OF LAND MINESTable 23. Example of concentrations (g/kg) of ERCs in soil as function of depthLITERATURE CITED-continue - ERDC-TR00-50044LITERATURE CITED-continue - ERDC-TR00-50045LITERATURE CITED-continue - ERDC-TR00-50046APPENDIX A: ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED AT THE FORT LEONARD WOOD RESEARCH MINEFIELD, AUGUST 1998Appendix A: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50048Appendix A: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50049APPENDIX B: ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED AT THE FORT LEONARD WOOD RESEARCH MINEFIELD, NOVEMBER 1998Appendix B: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50051Appendix B: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50052Appendix B: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50053Appendix B: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50054Appendix B: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50055Appendix B: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50056Appendix B: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50057APPENDIX C: ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED AT THE FORT LEONARD WOOD RESEARCH MINEFIELD, APRIL 1999Appendix C: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50059Appendix C: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50060Appendix C: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50061Appendix C: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50062Appendix C: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50063Appendix C: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50064Appendix C: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50065APPENDIX D: ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED AT THE FORT LEONARD WOOD RESEARCH MINEFIELD, JULY 1999Appendix D: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50067Appendix D: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50068Appendix D: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50069Appendix D: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50070Appendix D: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50071APPENDIX E: ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED AT THE FORT LEONARD WOOD RESEARCH MINEFIELD, NOVEMBER 1999Appendix E: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50073Appendix E: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50074Appendix E: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50075Appendix E: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50076Appendix E: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50077Appendix E: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50078Appendix E: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50079Appendix E: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50080Appendix E: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50081Appendix E: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50082Appendix E: Continued - ERDC-TR00-50083Report Documentation Page - ERDC-TR00-50084ERDC-TR00-5