At this point, the design of the main structural components of
the boom is complete and anticipated force levels on anchor and
connection systems are known. Typical types of connections are
discussed earlier in the technical digest and contractor catalogs
provide their working strength limits. Anchor system design alter-
natives are illustrated in Figure 7. Detailed anchor design depends
on geotechnical conditions at the site, such as sediment type and
depth to bedrock. These issues are beyond the scope of this
report, however.
Sample ice boom designs may be obtained upon request by
contacting the Ice Engineering Research Division at the U.S.
Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, 72
Lyme Road, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, (603) 646-4378.
The authors thank the following people. Anthony Mamone
assisted in the initial organization, Kevin Carey and F. Donald
Haynes provided technical reviews, and Edmund Wright served
as technical editor.
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