Figure 11. Relationship between angle of internal friction, φ
, and passive pressure
coefficient, Kp.
jams, Beltaos (1999) used Kp = 12. Healy et al. (1997)
variables. In some cases, density (D) of frazil de-
posits or accumulations has been reported. Den-
occurred in 1986 on the Thames River (New
sity and porosity are related as follows:
Brunswick) using the Canadian model ICEJAM
(Flato and Gerard 1986). They found that jam thick-
p = 1-
ness and stage were relatively insensitive to
ρi .
changes in Kp as it was varied from 8 to 12. Tuthill
and Mamone (1998) used a value of Kp = 5.83, cor-
Reported values of porosity discussed below are
responding to φ = 45, when modeling freezeup
summarized in Table 4 and Figure 12.
jams on the middle Mississippi River.
Freezeup ice jams and frazil deposits
Porosity (p)
Petryk (1995) reports that ICESIM uses a value
The porosity of an ice accumulation is used in
of 0.73 in modeling porosity of ice jams formed
estimating the volume of ice contributing to the
from undercover deposition of frazil. This value
ice accumulation and in determining such vari-
was in the range of 0.65 to 0.85 that Beltaos (1995)
ables as its coefficient of internal strength. Poros-
calculated from data reported in Kivisild (1959).
ity is described by
Beltaos and Dean (1981) made bulk measurements
in a thick (16-m) frazil deposit and found porosi-
= 1- i
ties of 0.541 and 0.33 for the bottom and top of the
deposit, respectively. They also reported densities
of 400 to 600 kg/m3, with lower densities near the
where Vv is the volume of voids, both above and
bottom of the deposit and higher densities just
beneath the water surface, Vi is the volume of the
below the surface of the ice cover. Majewski and
ice, and Vt is the total volume of the jam. As Beltaos
Grzes (1986) measured density along a 42-km-long
(1995) noted, the porosity of an ice jam can be much
freezeup jam on the Vistula River (Poland) be-
tween W/ c/ wek and P/ ck and found a wide
larger than the porosity of the floes comprising
lo la
the jam. Few field measurements of porosity ex-
range of density in deposits and a narrow range
ist; most reported values are either assumed or
of density in shoved areas. They reported that
back-calculated from measurements of other ice
density of hanging dams ranged from 100 to 700