Table 10. Description of the physiography, geomorphology, hydrology, permafrost and vegetation of ecodistricts and
ecosubdistricts mapped within Fort Wainwright, central Alaska, 1998 (Fig 25).
A braided stretch of the Tanana River that includes braided-floodplain riverbed deposits, and active-
and inactive floodplain cover deposits. The lower perennial glacial river is turbid with glacial silt.
The area is subject to frequent flooding (every year on riverbed deposits), occasional flooding (every
25 years on active floodplain cover deposits) and infrequent flooding (about every 525 years on
inactive floodplain cover deposits. Groundwater is near (<23 m) the surface and permafrost is absent.
Vegetation includes partially vegetated river bars, riverine willow and alder tall scrub, and balsam
poplar and white spruce forests. Forest productivity is high.
Rosie Creek
A stretch of the Tanana Floodplain characterized by anastomosing channels, numerous stable islands
and few braided river bars. Geomorphic units linked by fluvial processes include meander riverbed
deposits, active and inactive cover deposits, and the lower perennial glacial river. Meander scrolls and
backwater fens are common. The area has a similar flooding regime to that of the Eielson-Tanana
Floodplain. Permafrost is absent. Vegetation includes partially vegetated river barrens, riverine willow
and alder tall scrub, balsam poplar and white spruce forests, and wet sedge meadows. Forest productiv-
ity is high.
A meandering stretch of the lower Chena River that includes meander riverbed deposits, and active-
and inactive-floodplain cover deposits linked by surface and groundwater movement. The lower
perennial river has clear water and a flooding regime similar to that of the Eielson-Tanana Floodplain.
Permafrost is absent. Vegetation includes partially vegetated river barrens, riverine willow and alder tall
scrub, balsam poplar and white spruce forests, and wet sedge meadows. Forest productivity is high.
Chena Slough
A stretch of the Tanana floodplain that includes a large branch channel of the Tanana with numerous
meander point bars. Geomorphology includes meander riverbed deposits, and active- and inactive-
floodplain cover deposits linked by fluvial processes. The area has a similar flooding regime to that of
the Eielson-Tanana Floodplain. Permafrost is absent. Vegetation includes partially vegetated river bar-
rens, riverine willow and alder tall scrub, balsam poplar and white spruce forests, and wet sedge
meadows. Forest productivity is high.
Salchaket Slough
A stretch of the Tanana floodplain that includes a large channel of the Tanana River. Geomorphology
includes meander riverbed deposits, and active- and inactive-floodplain cover deposits linked by flu-
vial processes. The flooding regime is similar to that of the Eielson-Tanana Floodplain. Vegetation
includes partially vegetated river barrens, riverine willow and alder tall scrub, balsam poplar and
white spruce forests, and wet sedge meadows. Forest productivity is high.
A flat area adjacent to the Tanana River that is dominated by abandoned-floodplain cover deposits
and occasional organic bogs. Due to thick (12 m) cover deposits, there is little surface expression of the
underlying fluvial morphology. The area is hydrologically linked to the Tanana Floodplain by ground
water movement and rare flooding events, but the lack of streams indicates little surface water move-
ment. Permafrost is nearly continuous; it is absent in occasional collapse scar bogs caused by perma-
frost degradation. Common vegetation include black spruce, tamarack, and birch forests and shrub
birchericaceous shrub.
Eielson Lowland
A flat area adjacent to the Tanana River that is dominated by abandoned floodplain riverbed deposits
with only thin cover deposits of overbank fines. Thermokarst features are rare and the surface is char-
acterized by the braided pattern of the old riverbed. The area is hydrologically linked to the Tanana
Floodplain by substantial groundwater movement and rare flooding events. Because of groundwater
movement, permafrost is difficult to predict but probably sporadic. Vegetation is dominated by black
spruce forest on interfluves and shrub birchericaceous shrub and willowsedge fens in abandoned
Salchaket Slough
A flat area adjacent to the Tanana River dominated by thick abandoned floodplain cover deposits and
occasional thermokarst features with organic bogs. The area is hydrologically linked to the Tanana
River by groundwater movement and rare flooding events, but there is little surface water movement
indicated by lack of streams. Permafrost is nearly continuous. Common vegetation types include black
spruce, tamarack, and birch forests and shrub birchericaceous low scrub.
Bear Creek
An area adjacent to the Tanana River that is dominated by abandoned-floodplain riverbed deposits with
only thin cover deposits of overbank fines. Thermokarst features are rare and the surface is characterized
by the braided pattern of the old riverbed. The area is hydrologically linked to the Tanana Floodplain by
substantial groundwater movement and rare flooding events. Due to groundwater movement perma-
frost is difficult to detect, but probably is sporadic. Vegetation is dominated by black spruce forests in
interfluves and shrub birchericaceous shrubs and willowsedge fens in former channels.
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