Table 8 (cont.).
Lowland areas with wet, loamy to organic soils and vegetation co-dominated by low shrubs and tussock-forming
Tussock Bog
sedges. Soils are poorly drained, have thin to thick organic horizons, are moderately acidic, underlain by permafrost,
and are associated with flat bogs or occasionally, lacustrine deposits. The open (2575%) shrub canopy of Betula nana
and ericaceous shrubs is punctuated by abundant Eriophorum vaginatum tussocks. Scattered Picea mariana and Larix
laricina are common.
Lowland Moist
Lowland areas with moist, loamy soils and vegetation dominated by grasses. Soils are somewhat well-drained, have
thin organic horizons, and lack permafrost. The sites occur in recently abandoned drainages and well drained thermo-
karst areas. Calamagrostis canadensis dominates these communities, although other graminoids, scattered shrubs (usually
Salix spp.), and forbs may be present.
Lowland Scrub
Lowland areas with wet, organic soils and vegetation dominated by shrubs. Soils are poorly drained, have very thick
organic horizons, are minerotrophic, occasionally have permafrost, and are associated with abandoned floodplains, and
drainage and shore fens. The open, low to tall canopy of shrubs is dominated by Alnus tenuifolia, Salix planifolia,
Chamaedaphne calyculata, and Myrica gale. The understory has Carex aquatilis, Calamagrostis canadensis, Potentilla palustris,
and Sphagnum spp.
Lowland Bog
Lowland areas with wet, organic soils and vegetation dominated by sedges and mosses. Soils are poorly drained, have
thick organic horizons of Sphagnum and sedge peat, are strongly acidic, ombrotrophic, lack permafrost, and are associ-
ated with collapse-scar bogs. Vegetation is dominated by sedges (Carex aquatilis, Eriophorum russeolum, E. angustifolium)
and Sphagnum spp., while Calamagrostis canadensis and Oxycoccus microcarpus are common associates.
Lowland Fen
Lowland areas with wet, organic soils and vegetation dominated by herbs. Soils have thick organic horizons of herba-
ceous peat, are neutral (pH), minerotrophic, lack permafrost, and are associated with collapse-scar fens. Vegetation is
dominated by Menyanthes trifoliata, Equisetum fluviatile, Carex rostrata, and Potentilla palustris, while C. aquatilis, Typha
latifolia, Cicuta mackenzieana, and Galium trifidum are common.
Lowland Eolian
A mosaic of ecotypes on a wind-affected lowland landscape (i.e., loess, sand dunes, lowland retransported deposits,
and organic collapse scar bogs). Common ecotypes include Lowland Wet Needleleaf Forest, Lowland Wet Broadleaf
Forest, Lowland Wet Low Scrub, Lowland Moist Meadow, and Lowland Bog Meadow.
Lowland Slope
A mosaic of ecotypes on a fluvially affected landscape (lowland eolian deposits, abandoned cover deposits, and low-
land retransported deposits) characterized by numerous fluvial channels and water tracks. Ecotypes include Lowland
Wet Needleleaf Forest, Lowland Wet Broadleaf Forest, Lowland Wet Low Shrub, and Lowland Wet Tall Scrub.
A mosaic of ecotypes on a fluvially affected landscape primarily associated with gravelly abandoned floodplains.
Ecotypes include Lowland Gravelly Wet Needleleaf Forest, Lowland Gravelly Wet Broadleaf Forest, Lowland Gravelly
Wet Low Scrub, and Lowland Scrub Fen.
Lowland Forest-
A mosaic of ecotypes on a thermokarst-affected landscape associated with abandoned floodplains and collapse scar
bogs dominated by forest and bog vegetation. Common ecotypes include Lowland Wet Broadleaf Forest, Lowland Wet
Needleleaf Forest, and Lowland Bog Meadow.
Lowland Scrub-
A mosaic of ecotypes on a thermokarst-affected landscape associated with abandoned floodplains and collapse scar
features dominated by scrub and fen vegetation. Common ecotypes include Lowland Wet Tall Scrub, Lowland Wet
Broadleaf Forest, Lowland Scrub Fen, and Lowland Fen Meadow.
Riverine Moist
Riverine areas with moist, loamy soils and vegetation dominated by needleleaf trees. The well-drained soils have mod-
Needleleaf Forest
erately thick organic horizons at the surface (indicative of very infrequent flooding), are strongly acidic, lack perma-
frost, and have deep water tables. Vegetation is dominated by an open or closed canopy of mature Picea glauca,
although P. mariana and Larix laricina occasionally are present. Understory plants include Alnus tenuifolia, Rosa acicularis,
Cornus canadensis, Equisetum arvense, Hylocomium splendens, and Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus.
Riverine Moist
Riverine areas with moist, loamy soils and vegetation dominated by needleleaf and broadleaf trees. The well-drained
Mixed Forest
soils have thin organic horizons interbedded with loamy sediment (indicating infrequent flooding), are moderately
acidic, lack permafrost, and have deep water tables. The mid-successional forest has a closed canopy of Picea glauca
Populus balsamifera, though P. glaucaBetula papyrifera stands also occur. The understory is a mixture of species found in
broadleaf and needleleaf riverine forests.
Riverine Moist
Riverine areas with moist, loamy soils and vegetation dominated by broadleaf trees. The well-drained soils have thin
Broadleaf Forest
organic horizons interbedded with loamy sediment (indicating infrequent flooding), are moderately acidic, lack perma-
frost, and have deep water tables. This early or mid-successional stage has an open or closed canopy of Populus
balsamifera, although Betula papyrifera and Populus tremuloides occasionally are dominant. The understory has Rosa
acicularis, Calamagrostis canadensis, and Equisetum arvense.
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