Recognition of ecosystem differences within
Shepherdia canadensis, which are good indicators
these broad areas also helps to identify gaps
of drier conditions. Upland Moist Mixed Forest
where more information is needed for land man-
was dominated by both P. glauca and Betula
agement. For example, considerable research has
papyrifera in the overstory, whereas Upland Moist
been conducted within the EielsonTanana Flood-
Mixed Forest (south facing) had more Populus
p l a i n as part of the Long-Term Ecological
tremuloides, Linnaea borealis, and Shepherdia
Research Program (Van Cleve et al. 1986, 1993) in
canadensis. Upland Moist Tall Scrub is dominated
recognition of the high productivity of ecosystems
by Alnus crispa, Vaccinium uliginosum, scattered B.
in this ecodistrict, whereas little is known about
papyrifera, and occasionally S. planifolia ssp.
ecological processes on the Tanana Flats (Racine
pulchra near treeline. Upland Rocky Dry Meadow,
and Walters 1994). For land management pur-
which occurs on steep, south-facing bluffs, was
poses, then, more information may need to be
dominated by Elymus innovatus, Artemisia frigida,
collected on ecological processes in the other
Rosa acicularis, and Galium boreale.
ecodistricts on Ft. Wainwright to address specific
Lowland ecotypes had six classes that were
dominated by trees (Table 12). Lowland Wet
N e e d l e l e a f Forest was dominated by Picea
Ecosystem characteristics
mariana, Ledum groenlandicum, Vaccinium vitis-
idaea, and V. uliginosum, and Sphagnum spp. occa-
Vegetation composition
sionally was also present. Lowland Gravelly
The following discussion highlights some of the
Moist Lowland Forest was similar, except P. glauca
was more abundant and Sphagnum generally was
among ecotypes. Ecotypes were grouped by
lacking. Lowland Wet Broadleaf Forest was domi-
physiography to facilitate comparisons (Tables
nated by Betula papyrifera, Calamagrostis canadensis,
Alnus spp., Ledum groenlandicum, and Equisetum
Alpine ecotypes generally were dominated by
arvense with Picea spp. was common in the under-
shrubs (Table 11). Alpine Rock Dry Dwarf Shrub
story canopy. Lowland Wet Mixed Forest was
was dominated by Dryas octopetala, Carex bigelowii,
dominated by both P. glauca and B. papyrifera in
Betula nana, Arctostaphylos rubra, and lichens,
the overstory, and Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Calama-
mostly Cladina spp. In contrast, Alpine Rocky
grostis canadensis, and Hylocomium splendens in the
Moist Tall and Low Scrub was dominated by
understory. Lowland Gravelly Moist Mixed For-
Betula nana, Ledum decumbens, Salix planifolia ssp.
est was similar, except that Populus tremuloides,
pulchra, Empetrum nigrum, Carex bigelowii, and
Shepherdia canadensis, and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Cladina spp. Krummholz forms of Picea glauca and
often were present, indicating drier conditions.
P. mariana at treeline intergraded into the latter
Lowland ecotypes had five classes dominated
by shrubs, although scattered trees of Picea
Upland ecotypes varied from forest and shrub
mariana, Larix laricina, and Betula papyrifera com-
to graminoid-meadow dominated systems (Table
monly were present (Table 12). Lowland Wet Tall
11). Upland Moist Needleleaf Forest was domi-
Scrub was dominated by an open canopy of Alnus
nated by both Picea glauca and P. mariana, which
tenuifolia and Salix bebbiana, and included S.
were prevalent even on south-facing slopes on the
planifolia ssp. pulchra, Calamagrostis canadensis, and
rocky uplands of the YMA. Understory species
Equisetum arvense. Lowland Wet Low Scrub was
were dominated by Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Empe-
dominated by an open to closed canopy of Betula
trum nigrum, and the feathermoss Hylocomium
splendens. Upland Wet Needleleaf Forest, which
nana, and included Chamaedaphne calyculata,
typically occurred on north-facing slopes with
Calamagrostis canadensis, Sphagnum spp., and nu-
permafrost, was dominated by P. mariana, Vaccin-
merous ericaceous shrubs. Lowland Gravelly Wet
ium vitis-idaea, Ledum groenlandicum, V. uliginosum,
Low Scrub was similar, except Ledum groenlandi-
and commonly had Sphagnum mosses. This
cum was more abundant, Sphagnum spp. generally
was absent, and Potentilla fruticosa frequently was
Wet Needleleaf Forest. Upland Moist Broadleaf
present. Lowland Tussock Bog was dominated by
Forest was dominated by Betula papyrifera, Alnus
Eriophorum vaginatum, Betula nana, Ledum groen-
crispa, Rosa acicularis, Viburnum edule, and typ-
landicum, Chamaedaphne calyculata, Calamagrostis
ically had P. glauca in the understory canopy.
canadensis, and Sphagnum spp. Lowland Scrub Fen
Upland Moist Broadleaf Forest (south facing) also
was dominated by A. tenuifolia, S. planifolia ssp.
had Populus tremuloides, Linnaea borealis, and
pulchra, Carex aquatilis, Calamagrostis canadensis,
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