fication simulations were 24 to 48 hours, depend-
here the water flow was "stopped" at three times
ing upon the time step, length of time modeled,
in the simulation: minimum water temperature
and complexity of the mesh. This was on a '486 66-
(MWT), minimum air temperature (MTT) and
MHz system with 16 Mb of RAM. There are much
maximum frost penetration (MFP). At MWT, the
pipe never reaches 0C. The top of the pipe drops
faster computers available now and soon to be
to about 0.6C, and the sides and bottom drop to
available that could significantly reduce these
about 1.2C, then all slowly rise over the next 200
times. For example, during the preparation of this
report, some of the above scenarios were run on a
hr. For both MTT and MFP, the pipe never reaches
0C, even 200 hr after stopping the water.
233-MHz system with 64 Mb of RAM. On this sys-
tem a 4-day run on the '486 66-MHz system was
To determine what type of protection the shield
reduced to about 6 hr. The smaller scenarios were
offered over an unshielded pipe, several numeri-
reduced to 1 hr or less, depending upon their size
cal simulations were performed using the Went-
and complexity.
worth Street physical configuration, without the
The boundary conditions required for design-
shield present, and again stopping the water flow
ing a shield should be conservatively selected to
at MWT, MTT, and MFP times. At MWT, the pipe
top reached 0C approximately 37 hr after stop-
allow for some uncertainty in the exact physical
situation present that is being designed for. The
ping the flow. With a shield, the water temperature
never dropped to 0C. At MTT, the pipe dropped
designer will need to choose the appropriate
gradually to about 0.4C compared to staying at
boundary conditions (in this case coldest air tem-
about 2 with the shield. At MFP without the
peratures on record and recorded water tempera-
shield, the pipe essentially reached 0C after about
tures) and set the failure criteria he is designing
around. The failure criterion of the pipe reaching
160 hr where it remained for the rest of the 200-hr
0C is probably too conservative in that there is a
evaluation time. With the shield, the bottom of the
pipe dipped to about 0.25C approximately 25 hr
large amount of latent heat to be used before the
water in the pipe will turn to ice, but in these veri-
after the water stopped and then it started to warm
fication runs we had decided to be conservative.
up. The above points out the added protection the
Frost-shielding configuration possibilities can
shield provides under the described conditions.
vary depending upon geographical location,
extent of pipeline shielded, type of pipe shielded
(sewer or water), material characteristics at the
site, available room for a shield, and the economics
The CPAR project demonstrates the viability of
of excavating for different configurations. A shield
burying water lines in the frost penetration zone
around a pipe with relatively warm water will al-
by designing and installing an insulation shield to
low shallower possibilities and a thinner insula-
protect them from freezing. Using the finite ele-
tion thickness than one around a pipe with a tem-
ment method to model a buried frost shield ap-
perature barely above freezing. A strong point for
pears to give reliable and useful information about
finite element modeling is the ability to perform
the configuration and effectiveness of the shield.
several parametric design simulations to assess the
The studies show that with the proper boundary
effect of any parameter the designer chooses to
conditions and material properties the program
look at. In addition, the graphical contour output
predicted temperatures very close to what was
from the modeling can give an extremely useful
measured in-situ. As with all numerical modeling,
picture to the designer to assess exactly what im-
its accuracy is highly dependent upon the accuracy
pact design changes have on the shield perfor-
of the material properties and boundary conditions.
mance. The studies have demonstrated that a
It would be expensive to develop standards to
shield will provide thermal protection to forestall
cover every possible combination of climate, soil
the freezing of a buried water line under the condi-
condition, pipe burial depth, and pipe tempera-
tions described for Berlin, N.H.
ture that could be encountered throughout the
Something not investigated completely during
frost-susceptible areas of the United States. The fi-
this study was the use of alternative shield config-
nite element procedure described above allows the
urations. The inverted-U design worked well in
local designer, who is most familiar with the area
this study because of the limited lateral space
of concern, to determine the pertinent variables
available, but other configurations may be more
and assess the effect of each variable upon the pro-
appropriate for different situations.
posed design.
It was mentioned earlier in the report that con-
The simulation run times used during the veri-