umn stresses at trusscolumn interaction loca-
system of modified Warren trusses (Fig. 5). Be-
tions. The remainder of this report deals with the
low the building but above the snow surface are
structural behavior of DYE-2 after the 1983 lift
two truss systems that surround four columns
each (Fig. 6). The trusses interact horizontally
with each column through a series of three col-
lars (Fig. 7). Within these collars and at the build-
ing collar located at the level, the columns and
DYE-2 is a steel composite building supported
confining trusses interact through an array of
by eight columns at the second floor level by a
sway bolts, which act like setscrews against dif-
ferent faces of the columns (Fig. 7 and 8). The
truss system is vertically supported at the lower
collar on steel channels welded to the columns.
Friction-reducing Teflon-on-stainless-steel bear-
ing pads are located between the supporting
channels and the lower collars of the trusses. The
complete support system finally rests on the
snow through support blocks and large timber
footings at the base of the columns (Fig. 9).
a. Elevation cross section.
Figure 6. Footingcolumntruss system: plan view.
b. External collar location.
Figure 7. Truss system collars.
Figure 5. DYE-2 trusses and collars: 1986.