Figure 2. DYE-2: 1986.
Figure 3. DYE-2: 1977.
ing behavior and the useful life of the site, CRREL
and each of the eight columns, thus lifting the
personnel developed methods for determining
building along the columns. By 1980, the build-
these stresses by measuring loads at column re-
ing had been lifted over 22.8 m above its original
straint locations. Details of the techniques for
height. The supporting column height beneath
measuring these forces are described in Ueda et
the building was approximately 47 m, of which
al. (1984) and Tobiasson et al. (1974) and will be
43 m extended below the surface of the snow
covered in brief later in this report. Over the
within protective enclosures to the original foot-
years, measurements were taken to determine
ings (Fig. 3).
the amounts at which these loads were increas-
During the intervening years, the column
ing (Ueda et al. 1984). Other factors which may
foundations had been distorted by differential
have an effect on the site's structural support in-
settlement due to the nature of the supporting
tegrity, such as column tilts, surrounding snow
snow. The foundation distortions caused second-
levels, column footing settlements, and other site
ary stresses to accumulate in the structural
operational functions, were also monitored.
frame. In addition, hydrostatic pressure from the
By the early 1980s, measurements indicated
surrounding snow became higher as the build-
that column stresses were sufficiently high to
ing was raised and the column length below the
require drastic remedial action. In 1982, the sup-
snow surface increased. Eventually, the pressure
porting structure was severed at a new base
was high enough to begin distorting and crush-
level, and DYE-2 was moved sideways 64 m onto
ing the protective wooden enclosures, shown be-
a new set of footings (Fig. 4). The following year,
neath the building in Figure 3.
the building was lifted 8.2 m. Since that time,
Realizing the importance of knowing the
CRREL personnel monitored building and col-
magnitude of these stresses for predicting build-
Figure 4. DYE-2 move: 1982.