Figure 2. Cross section of a three-grain clus-
Figure 3. Slush, which consists of well-rounded
ter in wet snow. Liquid is held in the crevices
grains 0.5 to 1 mm in size immersed in water.
between two grains, the veins among three
These do not bond, and therefore slush lacks
grains, and the junctions that join four veins.
Air fills the remaining pore space.
since the ice grains are surrounded by water (see
ticles arise from meltfreeze cycles, simply by the
Fig. 3), grain growth in slush is very rapid as first
freezing together of individual grains. When this
measured by Wakahama (1968) and later ex-
happens, it destroys the granular geometry of the
plained by Colbeck (1987b). Slush lacks inter-
grain cluster but probably increases the strength
granular bonding as do rapidly growing grains
of the snow cover. These particles are also ice-
in dry snow, but for very different reasons. In
bonded to their neighbors.
slush, the bonds are unstable because, when
stressed, they melt away by pressure melting,
whereas with clusters, the ice-to-ice bonds are
At higher liquid contents, the air is no longer
stable against pressure melting even though the
continuous throughout the pore space, but is lim-
snow contains liquid water (Colbeck 1979a). This
ited to isolated air bubbles trapped by constric-
is a very fundamental difference between the
tions in the pores. Since these bubbles occupy the
pendular and funicular regimes of water con-
largest part of the pore space, the volumetric air
tents since it leads directly to high strength at
content can still be higher than the volumetric
low liquid contents and low strength at high
liquid content, but only the liquid phase is mo-
liquid contents. This fundamental difference in
bile. In fact, the permeability to the liquid in-
the thermodynamics is due to the basic differ-
creases with liquid content, and slush is highly
ences in the geometry.
capable of conducting liquid water. In addition,
scribe rounded grains with necks in dry snow.
Actually, these grains are glass beads: ice grains
form a neck with a grain-boundary groove and, given
angle of about 145.