opment is likely to not be increased in the future,
Ontario, 23-25 October, 1991, p. 297312.
ment needs to be established by researchers and
Bogorodskii, V.V., V.P. Gavrilo, V.A. Nikitin, and
users alike. According to Wagner (1986), the USGS
K.K. Sukhorukov (1978) Feasibility of the
already follows such an approach in developing
radiohydroacoustic method for investigation of ice
processes in rivers. Soviet Meteorology and Hy-
opment committee composed of people from dif-
drology, February 1978, No. 2, p. 4751.
ferent USACE Districts and various disciplines
Bureau of Reclamation (1984) Water Measure-
should be established to provide guidance to
ment Manual. Revised Reprint. U.S. Government
CRREL researchers in instrumentation develop-
Printing Office, Denver.
ment and research for both short-term and long-
Cobb, E.D., and V.J. Latkovich (1986) A summary
term needs for District needs. Another function of
of methods used by the U.S. Geological Survey for
this committee would be one of technical transfer
the measurement of streamflow under ice cover.
by making District personnel aware of new instru-
In Proceedings, International Northern Research Ba-
mentation development and improvement. The
sins Workshop/Symposium, 26-30 January 1986,
best designed instrument in the world cannot be
Michigan Technological University, Houghton,
considered a successful instrument if there are no
Michigan, p. 19.
users interested in the instrument. On the other
Colby, B.R., and C.H. Scott (1965) Effects of wa-
hand, use of new instruments can only occur when
ter temperature on the discharge of bed material.
potential users are aware of their existence and
Professional United States Geological Survey, Pa-
per 462-G.
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Labo-
ratory (1986) Field guide: fresh water ice
USA Cold Regions Research and Engineering
Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire.
Abraham, D.D., and B.R. Hall (1994) Ultrasonic
CANPOLAR Consultants Ltd. (1985) Review of
sensors viable option for water surface measure-
floating ice thickness measurement capability,
ments. USA Engineer Waterways Experiment Sta-
technologies and opportunities. CANPOLAR
tion, Wetlands Research Program Bulletin, 4(2).
Consultants Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Daly, S.F., and S.A. Arcone (1989) Airborne radar
Adams, W .P., T.D. Prowse, M.A. Bilello, E.
survey of a brash ice jam in the St. Clair River. USA
Eliassen, S. Freysteinsson, O. Laasanen, T.
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Labora-
Pangburn, B. Raab, E. Tesaker, and A. Tvede
(1986) Techniques for measurement of snow and ice
tory, CRREL Report 89-2.
on freshwater in Nordic countries. In Proceedings,
Dean, A.M. (1981) Electromagnetic subsurface
International Northern Research Basins Workshop/Sym-
measurements. USA Cold Regions Research and
posium, 26-30 January, Michigan Technological Uni-
Engineering Laboratory, Special Report 81-23.
versity, Houghton, Michigan, p. 133182.
Ferrick, M.G., P.B. Weyrick, and S.T. Hunnewell
American Society of Civil Engineers (1995) Land
(1991) Analysis of river ice motion near a break-
data satellites improved for engineering survey
ing front. USA Cold Regions Research and Engi-
use. ASCE News, 20(7): 13.
neering Laboratory, CRREL Report 91-18.
Arcone, S.A., and A.J. Delaney (1987) Airborne
Ferrick, M.G., N.E. Yankielun, and D.F. Nelson
river-ice thickness profiling with helicopter-borne
(1995) A Doppler radar for continuous remote
UHF short-pulse radar. Journal of Glaciology,
measurement of river ice velocity. USA Cold Re-
gions Research and Engineering Laboratory,
CRREL Report 95-21.
Arcone, S.A., B.E. Brockett, D.E. Lawson, and E.F.
Chacho, Jr. (1987) Evaluation of the magnetic in-
Ford, J.S., S. Beltaos, W .J. Moody, and N.K.
Madsen (1991) Remote measurement of ice jam
ice deposits. USA Cold Regions Research and En-
thickness. In Proceedings, 6th Workshop on the Hy-
gineering Laboratory, CRREL Report 87-17.
draulics of River Ice, Ottawa, Ontario, 23-25 Octo-
Ashton, G.D., ed. (1986). River and Lake Ice En-
ber, 1991, p. 269296.
gineering, Water Resources Publications, Littleton,
Gatto, L.W. (1988a) Ice conditions along the Ohio
River as observed on Landsat images, 1972-1985.
Bjerke, P. L. (1991) Automatic analysis of floe size
USA Cold Regions Research and Engineering
distribution during an ice run. In Proceedings, 6th
Laboratory, Special Report 88-1.