acquisition devices is limited to cooperating wa-
One concern with DSS is the storage of spatially
ter control agencies for the sole purpose of data
attributed data, such as areal coverage of ice on a
and information exchange, and that access cannot
river on multiple dates. However, the Hydrologic
interfere with water control management activi-
Engineering Center (HEC) is developing the ca-
ties. However, there does not appear to be any
pability of DSS to handle spatially attributed data,
stipulation on access to data once it has been col-
such as radar rainfall information, for use in their
NexGen series of hydrologic programs. Transfer-
Recently several Districts have made access to
ring other spatial information such as ice cover-
up-to-date DCP stage and discharge data (and
age to DSS format should be possible. One con-
other water control information considered pub-
sideration in transferring spatial data from differ-
lic information) available over the Internet (Table
ent sources is using a consistent map projection. It
9). The addresses through which some Districts
will probably be necessary to develop algorithms
can be accessed are given in the following table,
that will translate different data sources into one
or access can be gained through the USACE or
consistent projection.
Army home page to all USACE Districts. A draw-
The central repository of collected ice data
back in the use of this information is that it has
should reside within the Water Control Center, if
one is present in a District, since they are respon-
not yet been screened and may be in error.
sible for collection of other hydrologic data. The
management of Water Control data systems is
Summary of data systems
Transmission of collected data is largely done
spelled out in ER 1110-2-249 (USACE 1994b) and
by DCP, but could be done by dedicated phone,
covers the equipment and software used for ac-
cellular phone, or radio. Digital storage of ice-re-
quisition, transmission and processing of real-time
lated parameters is not as common as digital stor-
data used to regulate USACE water projects. Any
age of other hydrologic parameters within the
proposal to allow the use of water control data
USACE. The ability to digitally store all types of
must follow the requirements set out in this and
data appears to exist, although implementation of
any other pertinent regulations. Access to data
Table 9. Internet addresses of selected water control sites in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
and others of interest.
Buffalo District, USACE
Detroit District, USACE
Kansas City District, USACE
Louisville District, USACE
Omaha District, USACE
New England Division, USACE
Philadelphia District, USACE
Pittsburgh District, USACE
Portland District, USACE
Rock Island District, USACE
Seattle District, USACE
St. Louis District, USACE
St. Paul District, USACE
CRREL Ice Jam Database, USACE
Real-Time Hydrologic Data, USGS
Historic Stream Gage Records, USGS
* Note: addresses may change without notice, and some sites can be reached by more than one address..