intervals ranging from 1- to 60 seconds around the
clock. Their system had a maximum range of 11.46
m (37.6 ft). This system has an additional advan-
tage in that, with the proper siting, it could also
double for measuring ice thickness (see following
section on Ice Thickness). The greatest drawback
to the use of either ultrasonic or radar systems is
that they measure to the first surface encountered.
In other words, when a stream is ice covered, the
distance to ice would be measured, rather than the
distance to true water surface. If true stage were
desired by use of either system, it would be nec-
essary to keep an area of open water below the
Figure 10. Section view of ultrasonic stage recorder: 1
The system described by Yankielun and Ferrick
is the ultrasonic sensor, 2 is the data logger, 3 is the
consisted of the radar front end, a function gen-
power source, 4 is the weatherproof enclosure, and 5 is
erator, a dynamic signal analyzer, and a 12-bit
the output port for downloading data to a laptop or tele-
analog-to-digital converter internal to a laptop
computer. The radar front end consists of a volt-
ponents, transmit and receive antennas, a mixer
measurement of stage with a millimeter-wave
and an audio amplifier. A schematic of the system
is shown in Figure 11. Power was provided by a
(FMCW) radar (Yankielun and Ferrick 1993). The
portable, gasoline-driven electric generator. The
system deployed by Yankielun and Ferrick could
unit could be mounted on a trailer to be hauled
be mounted from a bridge and used to acquire,
from site to site. A permanent installation would
process, store, and display river stage data at time
require AC power to the site.
Signal processing is probably the biggest ob-
HP 3660A
stacle to field implementation. If it is desired to
Dynamic Signal Analyzer
Laptop Computer
measure stage for only one event, then processing
with 12-bit A/D Card
HP 3314A
Figure 11. Schematic of MMW
FMCW used for velocity de-
termination (from Yankielun
and Ferrick 1993).
Front End