whereas the average normal stress in the sealant 1
be exactly square or rectangular in shape, that the
seal under these conditions is greater than the
sealant has a more complicated viscous behavior
bond failure stress of the sealant 1 standard test (2
than modeled in the analysis, that other effects
106 Pa). As a result, the engineer no longer
such as material aging have not been accounted
considers sealant 1.
for, and that his/her calculations are theoretical
The engineer performs further calculations to
approximations of the actual response of the seal.
evaluate the additional factor of safety provided
However, he/she is satisfied that the 20-mm-wide
by using a wider joint, and what effect a joint
joint, as designed above to include the effects of
opening larger than 5 mm would have. The engi-
both temperature and shape on the bond stress, is
neer recognizes that the constructed seals will not