direction in which the Northern Sea Route will be
Note that the command line arguments are delim-
traversed, the level of detail desired in the output
ited by spaces, not commas.
file, the number of transits to be made in the cur-
rent run, and a flag that indicates whether some
Input files structure
variables will be set manually to test sensitivity of
NSRSIM01 makes decisions based on informa-
the model to specific conditions. The general form
tion read from files that give probabilities that
of the command line is as follows:
different sets of conditions will occur or that a
particular route will be followed. Appendix B de-
scribes these input files and the associated data
[month of transit:
formats required to run NSRSIM01. The files must
4 = April,
be located in the same directory as the executable
6 = June,
file (NSR.EXE). For most variables, data for dif-
8 = August, or
ferent months are stored in separate files. Excep-
10 = October]
tions are data that describe permanent ocean cur-
[ship class:
rents and cost data. The currents data are assumed
1 = Noril'sk (container cargo),
to remain constant year round and the cost data
2 = Lunni (liquid bulk cargo), or
file must be altered by the user to reflect the chang-
3 = Strekalovsky (dry bulk cargo)]
ing seasonal fees. File names are constructed to
[transit direction:
reflect the type of data in the file and, when appli-
1 = west to east (Murmansk to Bering Sea),
cable, the month to which it corresponds:
2 = east to west (Bering Sea to Murmansk)]
[print option:
0 = short (summary statistics for entire run
1 = medium (statistics for each transit and
summary for entire run), or
2 = long (log of values assigned by the
model each time a variable changes, plus
all summary statistics for output options
0 and 1)]
[number of transits to make in current run
(500 or fewer)]
[sensitivity mode:
For example, the file named ICEPRE06.DAT
0 = off (let the model determine values
contains ice pressur e information for June,
assigned to all variables), or
WAVE10.DAT contains wave height information
1 = on (manual control of values assigned
for October, and PCRRNT.DAT lists permanent
to some or all variables)].
current information for all months.
When the model is invoked, only files that con-
For example, to run the model for April, using a
tain data for the month and transit direction speci-
Noril'sk-class ship transiting from Murmansk to
fied in command line arguments are opened. If
the Bering Sea, printing only summary statistics
the model is run to simulate east-to-west transits
for 200 voyages, in which the model determines
in April, only the cost file (COST.DAT), perma-
values assigned to all variables, enter
nent current file (PCRRNT.DAT), east-to-west
nodes file (NDESEW04.DAT) and files with
NSR 4 1 2 0 200 0
root names that end in 04 (CONC04.DAT,
ICEFOG04.DAT, etc.) need be present in the di-
To run the model for October, using a Strekalovsky
rectory for the program to run properly. Informa-
dry bulk carrier, transiting from the Bering Sea to
Murmansk, providing detailed output for five voy-
environmental conditions will occur at a given
ages, enter
node or data point are read from these files. The
order in which data are listed for a specific point
NSR 10 3 2 2 5 0
is critical, inasmuch as NSRSIM01 identifies a