pump a slurry of water and riverbed sediments
technique to fracture an ice cover and cause pre-
onto the ice, at least for rivers with silt or sand
mature breakup (Ferrick and Mulherin 1989). The
bed material. Moor and Watson (1971) described
rapid release of a pulse of water is intended to
tests in which dusting coverage similar to aerial
cause the ice cover to fracture and run with a
dusting was obtained by pumping. While the cost
smaller increase in stage than required for most
of treating a 100-ft-wide strip was less than for
natural runoff events. This method could be help-
aerial application (
.09 per lineal foot in 1970
ful in the case of a tributary stream that jams as it
dollars), a disadvantage is the time required to
encounters an intact ice cover at its confluence
cover large areas, as required in most ice jam pre-
with a larger river. With adequate flow control on
vention applications.
the larger river, it might be possible to cause the
ice on the larger river to break up prior to the
Flow control
smaller river, providing room for the smaller riv-
The control of river discharge has been used
er's ice run to enter. The dam release must be
both to increase ice cover stability and prevent
quite rapid and near to the problem site so that a
jamming and to intentionally cause river ice
sharply defined wave passes through the ice. Al-
breakup. Flow control is often used during the
though clearing the ice cover on the Missouri Riv-
fall freezeup period to allow a thinner, more sta-
er prior to breakup on the Yellowstone River
ble ice cover to form in a reach where natural flow
should reduce the threat of ice jam flooding, Fort
velocities would cause ice floes to underturn or
Peck dam is much too far away to provide such a
shove and thicken into a jam. This form of flow
pulse of water.
control may also be used to improve the perfor-
mance of ice control structures by providing
reduced, steady flows during ice cover formation
Icebreaking is another nonstructural alterna-
(Deck 1984). Similarly, flow control during the
tive for clearing a channel or weakening its ice
spring could be used to prevent ice cover break-
cover in advance of a natural breakup. As de-
scribed in the flow control section above, ice-
of the ice cover has occurred, or reduce peaks in
breaking on the Missouri River in advance of the
water discharge and resultant flooding. This
breakup of the Yellowstone River ice cover would
approach, however, requires a dam with suffi-
help mitigate ice-related flooding. The use of ice-
cient storage capacity located near enough to the
breaking ships is highly effective but requires
flooding problem area.
suitable vessels on-site, which is not the case in
In the case of the BufordTrenton area, flow
the BufordTrenton area. In rivers that are isolat-
control is employed by Fort Peck Dam on the
ed from navigable waterways or too shallow for
Missouri to reduce flood peaks during the break-
navigation by icebreaking ships or tugs, air-cush-
up of the Yellowstone River. This also increases
ion vehicles (Kankakee and St. Lawrence Rivers)
the tendency of the Missouri River to break up
or amphibious landing craft (Buffalo River) have
several weeks after the Yellowstone River and
also been used.
limits the supply of ice feeding any ice jams that
might occur within the Irrigation District during
Early warning
the breakup period on the Yellowstone River.
During the 1986 event, Fort Peck releases were
warning system can be quite useful in minimiz-
reduced from 12,000 cfs on 1 March to 1,000 cfs on
ing flood losses. The ice jam potential rating
9 March to lessen flooding (USACE 1986).
scheme presented earlier can be used to provide
Unfortunately Fort Peck is far upstream from the
some indication of whether ice-related flooding is
BufordTrenton area and can control only a small
likely. In addition, there are numerous water level
portion of the flow causing flooding (the drain-
gages along the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers
age area above Fort Peck Dam is 57,500 mi2 vs.
in the vicinity of the Irrigation District that are ei-
164,500 mi2 above Williston). Further, close moni-
ther no longer in use or not active during the win-
toring of conditions on the Yellowstone is a must,
ter months. Reactivating gages in the District and
since the travel time of water from Fort Peck Dam
for a good distance upstream, and adding tele-
to the District (about 200 river miles) is on the or-
phone, radio or satellite relays, could provide an
der of four days.
early warning system for increased flows, ice
Flow control, in the form of a rapid increase of
movement or increasing stages. Direct ice motion
discharge from a dam, has also been tested as a
sensors could also be added to the gaging stations