free model parameters, R92's model can account
drag can, at times, be an important means for
for the behavior of CDN10 at ISW that we docu-
transferring momentum to a surface. For exam-
ple, Lettau (1969) offered a heuristic formula in-
mented in AC95. In particular, the three main ob-
volving obstacle geometry and silhouette area to
servations that I hope to explain are as follows:
1. CDN10 is near 1.5 103 when the wind is
parameterize the roughness lengths that Kutz-
bach (1961) measured during his famous bushel
aligned with a well-developed field of drifted
basket experiment on Lake Mendota. Arya (1973,
2. CDN10 is near 2.5 103 when the mean wind
1975) assumed that pressure ridges were the
direction makes a large angle (say 50140) with
roughness elements responsible for most of the
form drag over Arctic sea ice and developed a
the dominant axis of the drifts.
model to partition the total stress into skin fric-
3. CDN10 can increase by roughly 20% if, after
tion and form drag on the basis of ridging inten-
being aligned with a developed (or developing)
sity. Banke et al. (1976, 1980) investigated the
field of drifted snow, the wind turns by as little as
pressure distribution around Arctic pressure
ridges 13 m high in an attempt to determine the
form drag coefficient for these. But their ultimate
parameterization for CDN10 (also Banke and
Smith 1973) is more in line with our findings;
they showed that
Because during our deployment on ISW the
103 CDN10 = 1.10 + 0.072 ξ
wind was directionally quite variable, the sur-
face never developed the deep, elaborate fields
where ξ (in centimeters) is the root-mean-square
of sastrugi that Mellor (1965) and Jackson and
surface roughness for roughness elements with
Carroll (1978) observed on the Antarctic conti-
nent. Rather, on ISW, the drifts were sparsely dis-
smaller scale roughness dominates the momen-
tributed and rudimentary. When the wind
tum exchange. Jackson and Carroll (1978)
reached 68 m/s, linear sastrugi-like drifts
reached the same conclusion. They showed that
would begin forming behind any protruding
the angle between the mean wind and the domi-
nant axis of the sastrugi at the South Pole deter-
persisted; but when the wind direction changed,
mined the roughness length; they then devel-
these drifts would erode in winds above the 6- to
oped a model based on Lettau's to explain this
8-m/s threshold. Thus, the drifts that deter-
mined the surface roughness on ISW were gener-
More recently, Raupach (1992; henceforth,
ally small. The scour marks that Allen (1965) de-
R92; also Raupach et al. 1993) developed a more
scribed and named scour-remnant ridges may
sophisticated model, based on dimensional anal-
well be precursors to these rudimentary sastrugi.
ysis and two physically reasonable hypotheses,
Figure 2 shows a typical leveling profile of the
to partition the total surface stress into contribu-
snow and sea ice surfaces in the vicinity of the
tions from form drag and from the stress on the
profiling mast described in AC95. We made sev-
underlying surface. That model is the basis of the
en such leveling surveys during our deployment
analysis here. I adapt Raupach's model to evalu-
on ISW. The profiles show that snow tends to col-
ate the stress partitioning for a field of sastrugi-
lect around obstacles in the underlying ice. The
like snowdrifts. That model predicts the drag co-
root-mean-square (rms) roughness of the snow
efficient evaluated at the top of the roughness el-
surface in this particular profile is 11 cm; its ice-
ements; I show how this quantity is related to
surface roughness is 9 cm. In the seven surface
CDN10, which, in turn, is monotonically related to
profiles that we collected, the rms snow-surface
the roughness length z0 through
roughness ranged from 9 to 26 cm; the ice-sur-
face roughness ranged from 9 to 28 cm. A value
CDN10 = k2 {ln[(10 d)/z0]}2 .
in this range is a reasonable choice for the nomi-
nal height of the snow-surface roughness ele-
Here, k (= 0.4) is the von Krmn constant, and z0
and the displacement height d must be in meters.
Figure 3 shows the idealized geometry of the
My objective is to see whether, with reason-
roughness elements that I will treat with R92's
able choices for snowdrift geometry and other
model. These are rudimentary sastrugi with