RIGIDICE Model of Secondary Frost Heave
In an earlier paper, Black and Miller (1985) re-
Black and Miller (1985) simplified the solution
ported on progress to numerically solve the dif-
of the differential equations for secondary frost
ferential equations of secondary frost heave (Miller
heave (Miller 1978) by employing two physical
1978) using a simplified approach. They presented
assumptions and one numerical trick. Their model,
a series of scenarios that predicted anticipated re-
as well as this model, is valid for one-dimensional,
sults. The program was experimentally confirmed
incompressible, air-free and solute-free soil. The
by comparing observed behavior of independently
solute-free restriction assumes that no additional
conducted frost heave tests to model predictions
osmotic gradient is imposed over the ever present
using hydraulic and thermal properties for the test
osmotic gradient in the double layer of the unfro-
soil. They found that the model indicated that the
zen water surrounding the grains. The incompress-
experimental data were flawed in their stress mea-
ible restriction excludes the process of consolida-
surements, but agreed within acceptable tolerance
tion at this time. Finally, the air-free condition states
with the thermal measurements. No additional ef-
that the region undergoing heave must be water
fort was made at that time to extend the analysis
saturated. This makes perfect sense, since air does
or increase the utility of the program.
not freeze, which means that the soil must have
This report is an extension of the earlier work.
been saturated, or within 10%, because of the vol-
It presents improvements in two areas. First, a
ume expansion necessary for a lens to appear.
minor mistake in the calculation of the water flux
These restrictions are minor since they result in
is corrected; also, the current formulations for the
the model predicting the behavior of the highly
scaled equations of ground freezing are used
frost-susceptible fine-grain silts.
(Miller 1990). Second, the computer code is pre-
sented in a form readily available for enhance-
First physical approximation
ments. This is accomplished by employing the
(lensing cycle)
concepts of Object Oriented Numerics (OON),
First, the progression of frost heaving through
which allow the code to be easily added to with-
soil is approximated physically by a series of in-
out directly changing the original source code
dependent lensing cycles. A lensing cycle is de-
(Wong et al. 1993).
fined to be the time step that begins with the for-
The concepts and equations of the RIGIDICE
mation of a lens and ceases with the initiation of a
(Black and Miller 1985) model are first reviewed.
new lens. During each individual lensing cycle,
The new C++ formulation of the code is then dis-
the frozen soil above the fringe is composed of a
cussed and presented in its entirety in Appendix
series of identical layers of ice and frozen soil as
A. The code is linked as a Dynamically Linked
depicted in Figure 1. The thickness of these lenses
Library (DLL) that is attached to MathCad 5.0+
and the frozen soil between them is equal to the
(MathSoft 1994). A preliminary sensitivity study
thickness of the mature lens and interspaced fro-
is conducted to examine the influence of uncer-
zen soil at the end of the lensing cycle.
tainty in input parameters on the variability of the
This approximation bounds the fringe between
calculated output parameters.
the lower freezing front and the upper boundary