5. Converted to DLG-3 optional distribution format using `arcdlg'.
Metadata_Date: 11/93
Military derived inundation data zone 16
Data_Set_Identity: Midwest Inundation Data
Theme_Keywords: Inundation
Data_Set_Description: This data set contains flooded river regions in UTM Zone 16. Data was
digitized from 1:100000-scale maps provided by the U.S. Army Topographic Engineering
Center (TEC).
Data_Structure: Vector
Data_Set_Extent: River sections in the following USGS 1:100000-scale maps: Cape Girardeau -
Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky
Carbondale - Illinois, Missouri
Pinckneyville - Illinois
Grid_Coordinate_System: Universal Transverse Mercator
UTM_Zone_Number: 16
Horizontal_Datum: NAD 83
Ellipsoid: GRS 1980
Coordinate_Precision: Single
Transfer_Format: DLG-3 Optional
Contact_Organization: USACE Remote Sensing/GIS Center
Contact_Person: Dr. Joyce Nagle, Civil Engineer
Contact_Mailing_Address: 72 Lyme Road, Hanover, NH 03755-1290
Contact_Telephone: (603) 646-4100
Contact_Email: nagle@crrel41.crrel.usace.army.mil
Custodial_Liability: Custodian does not assume liability
Source: Classified. Data reduced to an unclassified mode and drawn on maps
Source_Scale: 100000
Creator_of_Source: U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center, Ft. Belvoir, VA
Data_Set_History: 1. Digitized off the 1:100000-scale maps using GRASS 4.0.
2. Exported to ARC/INFO in DLG-3 optional distribution format.
3. Appended using the `line' and `all' options.
4. Projected from NAD27 to NAD83.
5. Converted to DLG-3 optional distribution format using `arcdlg'.
Metadata_Date: 11/93
ARC export format metadata files
Des Moines River UTM zone 15
Data_Set_Identity: 1993 Midwest Flooding Emergency Management Data
--Des Moines River
Theme_Keywords: Roads, Rail, Hydrography, County Boundaries, Inundation
Data_Set_Description: This data set includes the roads, hydrography, railways, and county
boundaries for the counties along the Des Moines River extending southeastward from
Boone to Lee County, IA. All data was derived from the 1990 TIGER/Line Census Files,
1:100000 scale, produced and distributed by the Bureau of the Census (1991).
Data_Structure: Vector
Data_Set_Extent: Iowa - Boone, Dallas, Polk, Warren, Marion, Mahaska, Wapello, Davis, Van
Buren, Lee Counties
Grid_Coordinate_System: Universal Transverse Mercator
UTM_Zone_Number: 15
Horizontal_Datum: NAD 83
Ellipsoid: GRS 80
Coordinate_Precision: Single