3. Each of the 4 features was appended into a single coverage covering all the counties using
the `poly' and `all' options for the county boundaries coverage and the `arc' and `all' options
for the remaining 3 coverages. Polygon topology for the counties coverage was reconstructed
using `clean'.
4. Coverages were converted to DLG-3 Optional format using the `arcdlg' command. Just pri-
or to conversion, items of type integer titled `major1' and `minor1' were added to the cover-
ages to allow conversion of attribute information. Information was encoded into the major1
item only.
For the counties coverage, the integers correspond to county names: MO: 1=Andrew,
3=Atchison, 5=Boone, 7=Buchanan, 9=Callaway, 11=Carroll, 13=Chariton, 15=Clay, 17=Cole,
19=Cooper, 21=Franklin, 23=Gasconade, 25=Holt, 27=Howard, 29=Jackson, 31=Lafayette,
33=Moniteau, 35=Montgomery, 37=Osage, 39=Platte, 41=Ray, 43=Saline, 45=St. Charles,
47=St. Louis City, 49=St. Louis, 51=Warren; NE: 55=Cass, 59=Douglas, 61=Nemaha, 63=Otoe,
65=Richardson, 67=Sarpy, 71=Washington; KS: 73=Atchison, 75=Doniphan, 77=Leaven-
worth, 79=Wyandotte; IA: 81=Fremont, 83=Harrison, 85=Mills, 87=Monona, 89=Pottawat-
tamie, 91=Woodbury.
Integers for the roads, hydro and rail coverages correspond to the number segment of the
CFCC classification described in the TIGER/Line reference. Road features are in classifica-
tion `A', hydro in `H' and rail in `B'.
Metadata_Date: 11/93
Republican River UTM zone 14
Data_Set_Identity: 1993 Midwest Flooding Emergency Management Data--Republican River
Theme_Keywords: Roads, Rail, Hydrography, County Boundaries, Inundation
Data_Set_Description: This data set includes the roads, hydrography, railways, and county
boundaries for the counties along the Republican River extending from Dundy County, NE,
to Dickinson County, KS. All data was derived from the 1990 TIGER/Line Census Files,
1:100000 scale, produced and distributed by the Bureau of the Census (1991).
Data_Structure: Vector
Data_Set_Extent: Nebraska - Dundy, Hitchcock, Red Willow, Furnas, Harlan, Franklin, Webster,
Nuckolls Counties; Kansas - Jewell, Republic, Cloud, Washington, Clay, Dickinson Counties
Grid_Coordinate_System: Universal Transverse Mercator
UTM_Zone_Number: 14
Horizontal_Datum: NAD 83
Ellipsoid: GRS 80
Coordinate_Precision: Single
Transfer_Format: DLG-3 Optional
Contact_Organization: USACE Remote Sensing/GIS Center
Contact_Person: Dr. Joyce Nagle, Civil Engineer
Contact_Mailing_Address: 72 Lyme Road, Hanover, NH 03755-1290
Contact_Telephone: (603)646-4100
Contact_Email: nagle@crrel41.crrel.usace.army.mil
Custodial_Liability: Custodian does not assume liability
Source_Name: Tiger/Line Census Files, 1990; Arc coverages for each county were obtained from
Tim Rourke, CEMRO
Bibliographic_Reference: Tiger/Line Census Files, 1990, Technical Documentation/prepared by
the Bureau of the Census--Washington: The Bureau, 1991
Source_Scale: 100000
Creator_Of_Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census
Data_Set_History: 1. Each county's coverages for the features roads, hydrography, railways and
county boundaries were projected from the State Plane coordinate system (using the zone or
FIPS Zone Code as described in the source coverage) to UTM Zone 14. Nebraska coverages
were projected from NAD27 to NAD83 (Kansas coverages were in NAD83). NOTE: The
western edge of Dundy county extends approx. 500 ft. into UTM Zone 13. Because the area in