A procedure for saving attribute information when converting from ARC to DLG format
was developed. The following "cookbook" was written by Elke Ochs.
The procedure is used for saving CFCC information for the roads, rail and hydro coverages
and county name information for the counties coverage. Integer codes, with a maximum width of
6, must be developed for the attribute values and assigned to item pairs named "major1" and
"minor1," "major2" and "minor2," etc. Documentation of the developed codes (e.g., in a text file)
must be provided with the DLG file.
To save the CFCC item information for the roads, hydro and rail coverages, the two digit in-
teger segment of the CFCC value was assigned to the major1 item. To save county name informa-
tion, the record number or coverage-id value was assigned to major1.
Roads, hydro and rail coverages
1. Make a copy of the coverage upon which to do the additions (the roads coverage will be
used as the example):
Arc: copy roads rd_for_dlg *
2. Add the major1 and minor1 items to the copied coverage and initialize them with values
that will not be confused with the integer code values to be assigned later (in case CFCC infor-
mation is missing for some records):
Arcedit: edit rd_for_dlg arc
Arcedit: additem major1 6 6 I
Arcedit: additem minor1 6 6 I
Arcedit: select all
Arcedit: calc major1 = -99999
Arcedit: calc minor1 = -99999
Arcedit: save
3. Determine all the CFCC occurrences in the coverage attribute table:
Arc: frequency roads.aat roads_cfcc.frq
Enter Frequency item names (type END or a blank line when done):
Enter the 1st item: cfcc
Enter the 2nd item: end
Enter Summary item names (type END or a blank line when done):
Enter the 1st item: end
The frequency file (*.frq) generated will be modified for use as a lookup table to aid in assign-
ing major1 values to the coverage. (Only the major1 item was used for coding the CFCC infor-
4. Add the major1 item to the frequency file:
Arcedit: edit roads_cfcc.frq info
Arcedit: additem major1 6 6 I
Arcedit: save
* Bold text signifies items that the user must enter. File names are always lowercase.