Illinois River UTM zone 15
Data_Set_Identity: 1993 Midwest Flooding Emergency Management Data--Illinois River
Theme_Keywords: Roads, Rail, Hydrography, County Boundaries, Inundation
Data_Set_Description: This data set includes the roads, hydrography, railways, and county
Data_Structure: Vector
Data_Set_Extent: Illinois - Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, Pike, Scott Counties
Grid_Coordinate_System: Universal Transverse Mercator
UTM_Zone_Number: 15
Horizontal_Datum: NAD83
Ellipsoid: GRS80
Coordinate_Precision: Single
Transfer_Format: DLG-3 Optional
Contact_Organization: USACE Remote Sensing/GIS Center
Contact_Person: Dr. Joyce Nagle, Civil Engineer
Contact_Mailing_Address: 72 Lyme Road, Hanover, NH 03755-1290
Contact_Telephone: (603)646-4100
Custodial_Liability: Custodian does not assume liability
Roads, Rail, and Hydrography Source Information:
Source_Name: USGS DLG-3; obtained as ARC/INFO coverages from Frank D'Erchia at U.S. Fish
& Wildlife Service Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, WI
Bibliographic_Reference: Digital Line Graphs from 1:100,000-Scale Maps, Data Users Guide 2;
1989; United States Dept. of the Interior, US Geological Survey; Reston, VA
Source_Scale: 100000
Creator_Of_Source: U.S. Geological Survey, National Mapping Division
County Boundary Source Information:
Source_Name: USGS. Digital data obtained from USACE Rock Island District in ARC/INFO for-
mat, UTM NAD27. Digitized by another source off quad maps.
Bibliographic_Reference: None
Source_Scale: 24000
Creator_Of_Source: U.S. Geological Survey, National Mapping Division
Roads, Hydrography, Railways:
1. Imported by quad, appended and edgematched to obtain final coverage.
2. Projected from NAD27 to NAD83.
3. Converted to DLG-3 using the `arcdlg' command. Just prior to conversion, items of type
integer titled `major1' and `minor1' were added to the coverages to allow conversion of attri-
bute information. Information was encoded into the major1 item only. The integers corre-
spond to the number segment of the CFCC classification described in the TIGER/Line refer-
ence. Road features are in classification `A', hydro in `H' and rail in `B'.
County Boundaries:
1. Projected from NAD27 to NAD83.
2. Converted to DLG-3 using the arcdlg command. major1 and minor1 items were added as
above and the major1 item filled with integers corresponding to the county names as fol-
lows: 1 = Pike,
2 = Scott, 3 = Greene, 4 = Calhoun, 5 = Jersey.
Metadata_Date: 11/93
Kansas River UTM zone 14
Data_Set_Identity: 1993 Midwest Flooding Emergency Management Data--Kansas River