A survey distributed to state Departments of
Transportation showed that most states in the
northern third of the United States post load
Bradley, A. H. (1997) The Effect of Reduced Tire In-
restrictions during spring thaw. However, the level
flation Pressures on Road Damage: A Literature Re-
of restriction, method of determining when to
view. Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Forest Engineering
place restrictions, and length of restricted haul
Research Institute of Canada (FERIC).
vary widely.
Davies, T. L., T. F. Wall, and A. Carpentier (1998)
The economy of many industries, such as log-
ging, relies on continuous movement of materi-
Research Record 1589, Washington, D.C.
als. Direct contact with some loggers indicated that
Kestler, M.A., B. Wright, D. Bull, G. Hanek, and
the economic loss caused by load restrictions is
M. Truebe (1997) Freeze-thaw testing of time do-
substantial. However, until an alternative method
is proven and accepted, millions of dollars per year
(RF) sensors. International Seasonally Frozen Soils
(per state) for road maintenance are saved annu-
Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska.
ally by load restrictions. Even greater road main-
Kestler, M. A., R. L. Berg, and T. L. Moore (1998)
tenance savings could be met if some of the DOTs
Reducing damage to low volume roads by using
that currently await the first signs of springtime
trucks with reduced tire pressures. Transportation
pavement distress were to adopt an alternative,
Research Record 1589, Washington, D.C.
more quantitative, technique for placing load
Mahoney, J. P., R. L. Copstead, R. R. Keller, and
restrictions. Regarding removal of load restric-
B. R. Sweet (1994) The potential use of central tire
tions, the feasibility of using TDR technology to
inflation during highway load restriction periods.
determine when to resume hauling will primarily
Technical Paper 942445, Society of Automotive En-
depend on the cost of the equipment.
gineers, Warrendale, Penn.
Recommended follow-up is to investigate fur-
Moore, T. L. (1997) Variable tire pressure technology,
ther which techniques for determining when to
reducing transportation costs and protecting forest eco-
place and remove load restrictions are most cost
system. Research pays off. TR News, no. 189.
effective (as a tradeoff between road maintenance
U.S. Army and the Air Force (1985) Pavement De-
costs and industry economics). Such information
sign for Seasonal Frost Conditions. Army TM 5-818-
could not be evaluated at this time because not
2, Air Force AFM 88-6, Chap 4.
enough road maintenance costs/savings informa-
Yoder, E.J., and M.W. Witczak (1975) Principles of
tion was returned.
Pavement Design. New York: Wiley.