Valley Wall
Kame Terrace
Lateral Moraine
Active Lateral Moraine
Ground Moraine
Morainal Shoal
Debris Flow (Diamicton)
End Moraine
Glaciofluvial Outwash
(Outwash Train)
Glacial Marine Silt
Diamicton (Till)
Figure 5. How map unit types relate to a valley gla-
cier. (After Boulton and Eyles 1979.)
ridge is relatively high on a mountainside, it may
across south-central Alaska. It indicates a major
regional advance between 14,000 and 13,000 14C
directly overlie bedrock. In other areas, they
appear laterally gradational with colluvium on
years BP (before present) (Reger et al. 1995). There
the mountain slopes while overlying other glacial
are also several smaller end moraines in the larger
valleys of the Chugach Mountains (Schmoll et al.
Ground-moraine deposits
Ground moraines form through a number of
Lateral-moraine deposits
processes believed to operate beneath glaciers,
These deposits develop as narrow, well-defined
most of which are not fully understood (e.g.,
ridges and less well-defined ridge segments along
Drewry 1986, Menzies and Shilts 1996). They are
the sides of glaciers. Lateral moraines are com-
spatially extensive and commonly thinner than
posed of sand, gravel, and diamicton, similar to
deposits of end and lateral moraines (e.g., Fig. 4
end moraines (Fig. 5; Plate 1). Lateral moraines are
and 5; Plate 1). Ground moraines may be associated
found in the Chugach valleys and along the
with positive-relief landforms, such as flutes and
Chugach Mountain front. The latter ridges are
drumlins. They are generally composed of diam-
aligned in an en-echelon pattern, descending
icton that may exhibit various degrees of sorting
gradually to the southwest. Older moraine ridges
and stratification and may contain thin, inter-
are generally better developed in the southwest,
bedded sand, silt, and gravel horizons. These de-
where they form the principal ridges along the
posits are common north of the Elmendorf
base of the Chugach Mountains (Schmoll et al.
1996). Lateral moraines usually have gentle to
Moraine, where there are many drumlins and the
moderate slopes along ridge tops, but steep sides,
surface is locally incised by modern and ancient
especially in the downslope direction. Where a
alluvial channels and are of similar age to the
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