6.2.2 Kenai Municipal Airport
ing only between 7 and 11 days.
The town of Kenai is located at the mouth of the
Autumn is the rainy season, when the prevailing
Kenai River, about 30 km south of the East Foreland
surface winds shift around to the northeast for the re-
and about 95 km south of Anchorage. It is a fishing
mainder of the year. From the July low of 15%, the
town and a base of support for offshore drilling ac-
frequency of north and northeast winds increases
tivities in Cook Inlet. Being closer to the Gulf of Alaska
steadily to the high of 65% in February. September,
by both air and water, one would expect its climate to
October, and November frequencies are 39, 54, and
be more Maritime-like than that of Anchorage. This is
62%, respectively. The frequency of calm wind ob-
the case with its winds, which are slightly stronger
servations reaches its annual peak in November, when
and more consistent from month to month. However,
nearly one-quarter of all wind readings are calm. Al-
though snow falls in lesser amounts in Kenai than in
to those of Anchorage.
Anchorage, apparently less of it melts, so mean snow
The daily high temperatures follow those of An-
depths are greater than those in Anchorage (Fig. 24).
chorage very closely throughout the year, and the daily
Minimum air temperatures during the coldest part
of the winter in Kenai average 13C, about 2.5C
lows are only slightly lower than in Anchorage. In
summer, mean air temperatures in Kenai range from
lower than Anchorage. An extreme minimum tempera-
about 6C overnight to 17C during the day (Fig. 24).
ture of 43C occurred in January during the period
The extreme maximum temperature is 30C and was
19731997. During that POR, Kenai experienced a
mean annual freezing degree-day total of 1168C-days
recorded in August. Mean monthly winds at Kenai
(2102F-days).The mean monthly frequency of calm
show relatively constant mean and maximum speeds
throughout the year (Fig. 24). The mean monthly maxi-
wind observations, in general, declines steadily
mum winds are about 15 knots year round, but for a
throughout the winter and into spring. Monthly pre-
slight dip in July and August. The frequency of calm
cipitation levels drop off in the late fall and remain
wind observations falls to its lowest levels during May
low throughout the winter and spring, as do the num-
through July (Fig. 24). On average, calm winds are
twice as likely year round to occur at Kenai as at An-
Kenai's mean snow depth exceeds its snowfall from
January through March.
Rainfall within the Inlet region begins to increase
Springtime arrives along with warmer days and
after June with the shift in wind direction to the south-
rapidly increasing daylight duration. The driest months
west quadrant, bringing moisture in from the Gulf of
of the year are typically March and April, which total
Alaska. The mean annual precipitation total at Kenai
only 3.6 cm of the station's 43-cm annual precipita-
is 43 cm, with September again having the highest
tion total. The mean daily air temperature typically
monthly mean (Fig. 24). The number of days per month
rises above freezing in April, and the mean number of
with measurable precipitation peaks in September.
days per month in which freezing temperatures are
However, the number of predominantly clear days per
observed decreases sharply from 25 in April, to 9 in
month remains relatively constant all year round, rang-
May, to only 1 in June.