Marine Ice Atlas for Cook Inlet AlaskaCONTENTS - TR-01-100005ILLUSTRATIONS - TR-01-100006TABLES - TR-01-100007ABBREVIATIONS - TR-01-100008INTRODUCTION - TR-01-100009COOK INLET PHYSICAL DESCRIPTIONFigure 1. Cook Inlet and relief map of surrounding region.Figure 2. Place names of the Head Region of Cook Inlet.Upper Cook InletFigure 5. Place names of Lower Cook Inlet.Figure 6. Brash ice clogging Homer's small boat harbor to an unusual extent. (Photo by Orson Smith.)COOK INLET MARINE ICEFigure 8. Relationship between the thickness of young sea ice, accumulated freezing degree-days, and snow cover thickness, hs. (After Untersteiner 1986.)Table 1. Vessel and structure damage in Cook Inlet caused by floating ice. (After USCG 1991.)Shorefast iceTable 2. Dates of river ice break-up and freeze-up. (After NOS 1994, p. T-21.)Degree-daysTable 3. Dates of first significant ice and ice-out for northern Cook Inlet (defined as 10% ice concentration at the Phillips Platform)Figure 10. Dates of significant ice formation at the Phillips Platform with respect to freezing degree-days (assuming a base temperature of 3.9C).Theoretical ice growth and meltCook Inlet marine ice dataTable 6. Accumulated freezing and thawing degree-days at Anchorage, Alaska, and calculated sea ice growth and melt in Cook InletFigure 11. Mean monthly freezing and thawing degree-days for 19741997 assuming base temperatures of 0 and 1.8C, respectively, for four locations on Cook Inlet.Figure 12. Seasonal variation of freezing and thawing degree-days for 1974 1997 for four locations on Cook InletCook Inlet marine ice data - continuedFigure 14. Radarsat-1 SAR imagery showing the Forelands area of Cook Inlet at near low tide on December 30, 1998Figure 15. Example of a sea ice analysis chart issued by the Alaska Region Headquarters of the National Weather ServiceEXPECTED ICE CONDITIONSMap Set 1. Mean ice concentration and stage of development for Cook Inlet for the specified time period (December through March).1 - 15 December Mean Ice Conditions16 - 31 December Mean Ice conditions1 -15 January Mean Ice Conditions16 - 31 January Mean Ice Conditions1 - 15 February Mean Ice Conditions16 - 28/29 February Mean Ice Conditions1 - 15 March Mean Ice Conditions16 - 31 March MEan Ice ConditionsMap Set 2. Probability of occurrence for ice of any stage of development and ice of any concentration for Cook Inlet (December through March).1 - 15 december Probability of Occurence for any ice16 - 31 December Probability of Occurence for any ice1 - 15 January Probability of Occurence for any ice16 - 31 January Probability of Occurence for any ice1 - 15 February Probability of Occurence for any ice16 - 28/29 February Probability of Occurence for any ice1 - 15 March Probability of Occurence for any ice16 - 31 March Probability of Occurence for any iceMap Set 3. Probability of occurrence for ice of any stage of development and ice of at least 5/10ths concentration for Cook Inlet (December through March).1 - 15 December Probability od Occurance for Ice of atleast 5/10ths Concentration16 - 31 December Probability od Occurance for Ice of atleast 5/10ths Concentration1- 15 January Probability od Occurance for Ice of atleast 5/10ths Concentration16 - 31 January Probability od Occurance for Ice of atleast 5/10ths Concentration1 - 15 February Probability od Occurance for Ice of atleast 5/10ths Concentration16 - 28/29 February Probability od Occurance for Ice of atleast 5/10ths Concentration1 - 15 March Probability od Occurance for Ice of atleast 5/10ths Concentration'TR 23 pages' by Donna Valliere - Page 1 of 147OCEANOGRAPHYFigure 17. Tidal mudflats in Upper Cook Inlet and the Head Region. (After Raney 1993.)Figure 18. General surface circulation pattern in Cook Inlet. (After USACE 1993.)Figure 19. Summer surface circulation pattern in Lower Cook Inlet as proposed by Muench et al. (1978)Figure 20. Tidal ranges at various locations around Cook InletCurrents and tidesCLIMATOLOGYFigure 21. Alaska's climatic zones. (After AEIDC 1974.)Station climatologiesFigure 22. Weather summary for Anchorage International AirportFigure 23. Average percent possible sunshine at Anchorage Inter- national Airport from 1955 to 1993. (After ACRC 1997a.Kenai Municipal AirportFigure 24. Weather summary for Kenai Municipal Airport. The POR is January 1973 to December 1997 except as follows: precipitation (19611990) (NCEP 2000), days with measurable precipitation (0.025 cm or more) (19671996), clear days (19731999), and snow- fall and snow depth (19531999). The precipitation range is the middle 33% of the data forthe 30-year POR; the data points are median values.Homer Municipal AirportFigure 25. Weather summary for Homer Municipal AirportKodiak AirportFigure 26. Weather summary for Kodiak Municipal AirportFigure 27. Median monthly precipitation from 1961 to 1990 for four Cook Inlet locations (NCEP 2000).Duration of daylightTable 9. Local times of sunrise and sunset at Kenai, Alaska, for the year 2000Table 9. Local times of sunrise and sunset at Kenai, Alaska, for the year 2000 - continuedLITERATURE CITED - TR-01-100081LITERATURE CITED - continued - TR-01-100082LITERATURE CITED - continued - TR-01-100083APPENDIX A: SEA ICE NOMENCLATURE, ARRANGED BY SUBJECTAPPENDIX A: SEA ICE NOMENCLATURE, ARRANGED BY SUBJECT - continued - TR-01-100085APPENDIX A: SEA ICE NOMENCLATURE, ARRANGED BY SUBJECT - continued - TR-01-100086DEFORMATION PROCESSESOPENINGS IN THE ICEICE OF LAND ORIGINTERMS RELATING TO SURFACE SHIPPINGTERMS RELATING TO SUBMARINE NAVIGATIONAPPENDIX B: EXAMPLE OF A COOK INLET ICE COVER ANALYSIS ISSUED BY THE NATIONAL ICE CENTER (NIC) IN SUITLAND, MARYLANDTotal concentrationForms of sea iceAPPENDIX C: PROCEDURE USED TO CREATE THE COMPOSITE COOK INLET ICE CHARTSAPPENDIX C: PROCEDURE USED TO CREATE THE COMPOSITE COOK INLET ICE CHARTS - continued - TR-01-100096APPENDIX C: PROCEDURE USED TO CREATE THE COMPOSITE COOK INLET ICE CHARTS - continued - TR-01-100097Figure C1. Cook Inlet Ice GIS Analysis ProcessAPPENDIX D: AIR TEMPERATUREAPPENDIX D: AIR TEMPERATURE - continued - TR-01-100100APPENDIX D: AIR TEMPERATURE - continued - TR-01-100101APPENDIX D: AIR TEMPERATURE - continued - TR-01-100102APPENDIX D: AIR TEMPERATURE - continued - TR-01-100103APPENDIX D: AIR TEMPERATURE - continued - TR-01-100104APPENDIX D: AIR TEMPERATURE - continued - TR-01-100105APPENDIX D: AIR TEMPERATURE - continued - TR-01-100106APPENDIX D: AIR TEMPERATURE - continued - TR-01-100107APPENDIX D: AIR TEMPERATURE - continued - TR-01-100108APPENDIX D: AIR TEMPERATURE - continued - TR-01-100109APPENDIX D: AIR TEMPERATURE - continued - TR-01-100110APPENDIX D: AIR TEMPERATURE - continued - TR-01-100111APPENDIX E: WINDAPPENDIX E: WIND - continued - TR-01-100113APPENDIX E: WIND - continued - TR-01-100114APPENDIX E: WIND - continued - TR-01-100115APPENDIX E: WIND - continued - TR-01-100116APPENDIX E: WIND - continued - TR-01-100117APPENDIX E: WIND - continued - TR-01-100118APPENDIX E: WIND - continued - TR-01-100119APPENDIX E: WIND - continued - TR-01-100120APPENDIX E: WIND - continued - TR-01-100121APPENDIX E: WIND - continued - TR-01-100122APPENDIX E: WIND - continued - TR-01-100123APPENDIX E: WIND - continued - TR-01-100124APPENDIX F: WIND CHILLTable F1. Equivalent wind chill temperature.APPENDIX G: SEA LEVEL PRESSUREAPPENDIX G: SEA LEVEL PRESSURE - continued - TR-01-100128APPENDIX G: SEA LEVEL PRESSURE - continued - TR-01-100129APPENDIX G: SEA LEVEL PRESSURE - continued - TR-01-100130APPENDIX G: SEA LEVEL PRESSURE - continued - TR-01-100131APPENDIX G: SEA LEVEL PRESSURE - continued - TR-01-100132APPENDIX G: SEA LEVEL PRESSURE - continued - TR-01-100133APPENDIX G: SEA LEVEL PRESSURE - continued - TR-01-100134APPENDIX G: SEA LEVEL PRESSURE - continued - TR-01-100135APPENDIX G: SEA LEVEL PRESSURE - continued - TR-01-100136APPENDIX G: SEA LEVEL PRESSURE - continued - TR-01-100137APPENDIX G: SEA LEVEL PRESSURE - continued - TR-01-100138APPENDIX G: SEA LEVEL PRESSURE - continued - TR-01-100139APPENDIX H. BIBLIOGRAPHYAPPENDIX H. BIBLIOGRAPHY - continued - TR-01-100141APPENDIX H. BIBLIOGRAPHY - continued - TR-01-100142APPENDIX H. BIBLIOGRAPHY - continued - TR-01-100143APPENDIX H. BIBLIOGRAPHY - continued - TR-01-100144APPENDIX H. BIBLIOGRAPHY - continued - TR-01-100145APPENDIX H. BIBLIOGRAPHY - continued - TR-01-100146REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE - TR-01-100147TR-01-10