For resilient modulus test samples, the required amount of test material was
soaked at the required moisture content for 24 hours. The samples were fabricated
using the procedure in Appendix A.
A membrane is fitted around the bottom cap and securely fastened with two O-
rings. The split aluminum mold (Fig. B1) is secured with two hose clamps, and the
fasteners should be aligned so that the attaching rods to the bottom plate will pass
freely. The membrane is then stretched over the top of the mold and securely fas-
tened with an O-ring. For drained tests, a special porous plastic of higher porosity
is used. Vacuum is applied through the side of the mold and the membrane is pulled
tightly to the sidewalls.
The mold is transferred to the kneading compactor and fastened to the rotating
base. The first layer of soil is added and tamped with the proper foot (depending
on the diameter of the test specimen). The surface is scarified before the next layer
is added. After the last layer has been placed and compacted, it is trimmed care-
fully and capped. The cap includes a filter paper and a top cap. The rubber mem-
brane is placed over the top cap and then securely fastened with O-rings (Fig. B2).
For the fine-grained soils, the vacuum was released and the specimen trans-
ferred to either the MTS machine. For coarse-grained soil, for resilient modulus
Figure B1. Split aluminum mold for specimen prepa-