Numerical Modeling of the Snow Cover Depth
on Mountain Slopes
Eleanora Semakova 1
Snow-cover depth is one the most important characteristics of the hydrological and avalanche-form-
ing role of solid precipitation. The relationships between snow-cover depth and morphometric relief
parameters in certain points (sites of the remote snow stakes) and snow-cover depth on the meteoro-
logical site of the hydrometeorological station were estimated on the base of the discrete points
group. Due to the sufficient irregularity of the points of these stakes' installation, it is possible to
extrapolate the obtained relationships to any random point of the investigated region. The estimation
of morphometric parameters of such points is made automatically using the digital model of the
The digital relief model is based on an irregular scheme, which determines the position of points
located on meridians of topographic maps and defined by the laws of differential geometry. For the
graphical presentation of the snow depth on PC display, the linear interpolation of the calculated
values in characteristic relief points is applied. The algorithm was derived, the principle of which lies
in gradual coloring of the areas around these points with the color determined by the accepted inter-
val value of the snow depth. The originated areas form the homogeneous sectors of the prescribed
values of the snow depth. The conclusion is drawn about the possibility of application of the opera-
tional maps for the snow-cover depth distribution in the avalanche basin for detailed avalanche fore-
The maps of the snow-cover depth distribution are constructed for a definite date on the example of
one of the avalanche basins surrounding Dukant avalanche station in the Western Tien Shan area.
The numerical experiments have shown sufficient convergence with the real data.
1 Central Asian Research Hydrometeorological Institute (SANIGMI), Republic of Uzbekistan, 700052, Tash-
kent, K. Makhsumov st., 72, Uzbekistan