Snow Cover Properties and ProcessesSnow-Cover Properties and Processes - SR98_100013Unsaturated Water Flow in Snow: Experiment and SimulationCorrelation Lengths of Vertical Flowpaths in Melting Snowpacks, Colorado Front Range, USAImpact of Ice Layers on Storage Characteristics of a SnowpackOn Dielectric Properties of Dry and Wet SnowEstimating Snowmelt Infiltration into Frozen SoilsSurface Energy Exchange over an Arctic Snowpack: Comparison of Two Snow ModelsEnergy Balance and Climate of a Snow-Covered Frozen Lake in the Boreal ForestPhysical and Optical Properties of Snow Covering Arctic Tundra on Svalbard and Its Impact on BiotaControls on Meltwater Production and Lake Level Rise in the McMurdo Dry ValleySimulating Arctic Alaska Snowdrifts Using a Numerical Snow-Transport ModelValidation of 1-D Snow-Cover Simulations by the CLASS Land Surface Scheme for GCMsChemical Processes in the Seasonal Snow Cover - SR98_100025Chemical Processes in Seasonal SnowpacksModeling Studies of the Fate of Nonpolar Organic Chemicals during Snowfall and Snowpack MetamorphosisThe Impact of Early-Season Acidic Snowmelt on the Magnitude of Chemical Erosion in a Glacierized Alpine CatchmentThe Use of Mass Flux or Concentration for Sensitivity Analysis of the Alpine Hydrochemical ModelComparison of Rainfall Season and Snowmelt Season in Relation to Carbon Discharge in a Small Steep Forested Watershed in Hokkaido, Northern JapanEffect of Subalpine Canopy Removal on Snowpack, Soil Solution, and Nutrient Export, Fraser Experimental Forest, ColoradoApplication of Natural Process of Snow Metamorphism for Concentration and Purification of Fluid WastesSnowpack Controls on Nitrogen Cycling and Export in Seasonally Snow-Covered CatchmentsBiotic Interactions with the Seasonal Snow Cover - SR98_100035The Role of Snow in the Ecology of Seasonally Snow-Covered Ecosystems: A ReviewMeasuring Branch Deflection and Calculating the Intercepted Snow Mass on Spruce BranchesDifferences in the Characteristics of the Heat Balance above the Canopies of Evergreen Forest and Deciduous Forest while Snow CoveredAn Effect of Canopy Snow on Energy Balance above a Coniferous ForestTransformations of Snow Chemistry in the Boreal Forest: Accumulation and VolatilizationNatural Variability in Nitrogen Export from Headwater CatchmentsSnow Depth, Soil Frost, and Nutrient Loss in a Northern Hardwood ForestLong-Term Experimental Manipulation of Winter Snow Regime and Summer Temperature in Arctic and Alpine TundraDistributed Snowmelt Models - SR98_100045A Review of Spatially Distributed Modeling of SnowInvestigations on a High Alpine CatchmentSnowmelt and Runoff Modeling for a Test Basin in West GreenlandEstimation and Evaluation of Spatially Distributed Snowmelt Model Parameters Using the Modular Modeling System (MMS)Remote Sensing of the Alpine Snow CoverIntegration of Remote Sensing Techniques into the Snowmelt Component of Hydrological ModelsDistributed Snowpack Simulation Using Weather Radar with Hydrologic and Land Surface ModelsSpatially Distributed, Physically Based Assimilation of Satellite, Airborne, Surface, and Atmospheric Model DataScaling Problems in Snow Hydrology - SR98_100055Scaling Problems in Snow Hydrology - SR98_100057Spatial Properties of Snow in an Alpine Basin, Colorado Front RangeBlowing Snow Fluxes over Complex TerrainSubgrid Parameterization of Snow Distribution for an Energy and Mass Balance Snow-Cover ModelScaling Up from Point Scale to Small Catchment Scale Using a Quasi-Physical ApproachWintertime Surface Heat Exchange in a Boreal ForestRepresentativeness of Local Snow Data for Large-Scale Hydrologic InvestigationsSimulation of Snow Mass and Extent in Global Climate ModelsSnow-Cover Properties and Processes - SR98_100065Capillary Rise in SnowSnowpack Depth and Density Changes during Rain on Snow Events at Mount Hood, OregonIncorporation of Spectral and Directional Radiative Transfer in a Snow ModelThe Effect of Ground Frost on Snowmelt Runoff at Sleepers River, VermontSnow Cover and Snowmelt Floods in BelarusSublimation from a Seasonal Snowpack at a Continental, Mid-Latitude Alpine SiteEstimating the Amount of Snowmelt Based on Viscous Compression Model of SnowCharacteristics, Development, Year-to-Year Variability, and Environmental Impact of a Large Arctic Alaska SnowdriftOne-Dimensional Snow Water and Energy Balance Model for Vegetated SurfacesSensitivity of Soil Frost Models to Snow Cover and DensityAir Permeability and Capillary Rise as Measures of the Pore Structure of SnowSpatial Variations in Finnish Seasonal Snow CoverPhysical and Microwave Modeling of Electromagnetic Fields within a Granular Snow LayerThresholds for Ice Lens Development in Glacier Snow and FirnpackThermal and Physical Properties of Snow during the Night OutcoolingAbout the Possibility of Layer Density and Wetness Determination in the Snow Cover by ReflectometryFMCW Radar Applications for Snow-Cover StudiesSome Results of the Investigations of the Physical Properties of Snow in the Mountain RegionsThe Basic Regularities of Acoustic and Elastic Property Changes during Snow DensificationOperational Use of the New Swiss SNOWPACK ModelChemical Processes in the Seasonal Snow Cover - SR98_100087Nitrogen Dynamics in Paired High Elevation Catchments during Spring Snowmelt 1996, Rocky Mountains, ColoradoVariation Features of Chemical Composition in Snow Cover in the Western Part of the Tianshan Mountains, ChinaUsing Tracers to Investigate Seasonal Variation of Flow Components in the Canadian Rocky MountainsHydrochemical Processes and Hydrological Separation in Headwater Basins of the Urumqi River, Tien Shan, ChinaThe Seasonal Snow Cover in a Small Alpine Catchment (Austria)Processes of Flow and Transport in a Seasonal Snowpack and the Underlying Seasonally Frozen SoilCO2 and CH4 Fluxes and Profile Concentrations in a Boreal Peatland under Varying Snowpack ConditionsTrends in Precipitation, Snowpack, Snowmelt, Soil, and Streamwater Chemistry in a Northern Michigan WatershedLaboratory Studies of Snowmelt Using Stable Isotopes and Rare Earth Element TracersBiotic Interactions with the Seasonal Snow Cover - SR98_100099Site-Scale Ecosystem Carbon Balance Significance of Space-Based Radar Observations of Terrestrial Ecosystem Freeze-Thaw DynamicsSeasonal Variations of Heat Balance Components over a Japanese Red Pine Forest in Snowy Northern JapanSnow Accumulation and Ablation on Boards of Different Sizes and ShapesSnow Algae and Air Pollution in the Krkonoe MountainsThe Influence of Snow Cover on Soil Solution ChemistryDistributed Snowmelt Models - SR98_100107The ABCs of Snowmelt: A Topographically Factorized Energy Component Snowmelt ModelTerrain Characteristics and Snow Cover Variability in Mountain AreasModeling the Spatial Distribution of Snow Water Equivalence and Snowmelt in Mountain BasinsMethods for Developing Time-Series Climate Surfaces to Drive Topographically Distributed Snowmelt ModelsStatistical Analysis of Sierra Nevada Snowpack Accumulation TrendsAn Elevation-Dependent Snowmelt Model for Upland BritainSNOWTOOLS--A European Project for Research and Development of Remote Sensing Methods for Snow HydrologyDistributed Mapping of Snow and Glaciers for Improved Runoff ModelingTen Years of Monitoring Areal Snowpack Using NOAA-AVHRR Radiometry and Ground Measurements in the Southern AlpsA Simple, Computationally Efficient Distributed Snowmelt Runoff Model for Use on Large BasinsDistributed Simulation of Snowcover Mass and Energy Balance in the Boreal ForestCharacterizing Wind-Induced Snow Redistribution with Digital Terrain Analysis to Enhance Spatial Snow ModelingA High-Resolution Distributed Snowmelt Model in an Alpine CatchmentA Comparison of Four Snow Models Using Observations from an Alpine SiteThe Water Balance of a Subarctic TownUsing an Analytical Solution to Model a Season of SnowmeltA Spatially Distributed Energy Balance Snowmelt Model for Application in Mountain BasinsComparison of Geostatistical and Binary Regression Tree Methods in Estimating Snow Water Equivalence Distributionnvestigating Relationships between Landscape, Snowcover Depletion, and Regional Weather and Climate Using an Atmospheric ModelRegional InfoMet Subsystem for Modeling Environmental ProcessesNumerical Modeling of the Snow Cover Depth on Mountain SlopesScaling Problems in Snow Hydrology - SR98_100131Distribution of Snow in the Upper Marble Fork Basin, CaliforniaSpatial and Temporal Dependence Characteristics of Passive Microwave Derived Prairie Snow CoverModeling Cold Season Heat Fluxes over an Arable Field in Central SwedenHYDALP--A European Project on Snowmelt Runoff Modeling Using Satellite DataRepresentativeness of Arctic Weather Station Data for the Computation of Snowmelt in a Small AreaValidation of Snow Extent AlgorithmsSnow Water Equivalents Modeled at the Mesoscale with Geographic Information SystemsSpectral Reflectance of Melting Snow in a High Arctic Watershed on SvalbardHydrological Modeling of a Large BasinEstimating the Mean Areal Snow Water Equivalent by Using Satellite Images and Snow PillowsReport Documentation Page - SR98_100143SR98_10