worldwide and are considered as operational sites.
EPA (1995) Nitroaromatics and nitramines by
In the long run, this study might help to establish
HPLC. Second Update, SW846 Method 8330. U.S.
recommendations that could minimize the im-
Environmental Protection Agency.
pact of such an activity on the environment.
Grant, C.L., T.F. Jenkins, K.F. Myers, and E.F.
Firing practices are an important operational
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activity for the military and therefore cannot be
banned. In the present case, the major contamina-
soils containing explosives residues. Journal of En-
tion is found in the top layer of the soil and simple
vironmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 14: 18651874.
remedial actions could be proposed in order to
Greer, C., J. Godbout, B. Zilber, S. Labelle, G.
minimize the potential for leaching of the con-
Sunahara, J. Hawari, G. Ampleman, S. Thiboutot,
and C. Dubois (1997) Bioremediation of RDX/
dial action will be carried out in the near future at
HMX-contaminated soil: From flask to field. Pre-
CFB-Valcartier, based on results obtained previ-
sented at the Fourth International Symposium on In
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Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, April 28May 1,
nitramine-contaminated soils (Dubois et al. 1997,
1997, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Greer et al. 1997). At this site the contaminated
Horowitz, W. (1982) Evaluation of analytical meth-
top layer of soil will be removed and a biopile
ods used for regulation of food and drugs. Ana-
will be constructed where a bioremediation treat-
lytical Chemistry, 54: 67A76A.
ment will be applied. Afterward, a treatment fre-
Jenkins, T.F. (1990) Development of a simplified
quency will be established depending on the rate
field method for the determination of TNT in soil.
USA Cold Regions Research and Engineering
Overall our results, here and in an earlier study
Laboratory, Special Report 90-38.
(Table 11), demonstrate sampling error generally
Jenkins, T.F., M.E. Walsh, P.W. Schumacher, and
contributes at least 10 times the uncertainty in
P.G. Thorne (1995) Development of colorimetric
results for site characterization than does analyti-
field screening methods for munitions compounds
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in soil. In Proceedings of Environmental Monitoring
data used to make informed decisions, we must
and Hazardous Waste Site Remediation Symposium,
find ways to reduce sampling error. The signifi-
1921 June, Munich, Germany.
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quality of environmental analyses has centered
T.A. Ranney, and P.W. Schumacher (1996). As-
on improving laboratory performance. Unfortu-
sessment of sampling error associated with col-
nately, while very well intentioned, this effort is
lection and analysis of soil samples at explosives
attacking only 10% of the total error. We recom-
contaminated sites. USA Cold Regions Research
mend the use of on-site sample homogenization,
and Engineering Laboratory, Special Report 96-15.
compositing of discrete samples, and on-site
Jenkins, T.F., and M.E. Walsh (1992) Develop-
analysis, with appropriate confirmation of results
ment of field screening methods for TNT, 2, 4-
at an off-site environmental laboratory as a means
DNT, and RDX in soil. Talanta, 39: 419428.
of addressing the larger problem.
McCormick, N.G., J.H. Cornell, and A.M. Kaplan
(1984) The fate of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-
triazine (RDX) and related compounds in anaero-
bic denitrifying continuous culture systems using
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Burrows, E.P., D.H. Rosenblatt, W.R. Mitchell,
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related compounds: Environmental and health
Myers, K.F., E.F. McCormick, A.B. Strong, P.G.
considerations. USA Biomedical Research and De-
Thorne, and T.F. Jenkins (1994) Comparison of
velopment Laboratory, Fort Detrick, Maryland,
colorimetric and enzyme immunoassay field
screening methods for TNT in soil. USA Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station, Technical Report
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J. Hawari, and G. Sunahara (1997) Bioremediation
IRRP-94-4, Vicksburg, Mississippi.
of RDX-contaminated soil: A preliminary field
Spanggord, R.J., W.R. Mabey, T.W. Chou, S. Lee,
trial. Presented at the 90th Annual Air & Waste
and P.L. Alferness (1983) Environmental Fate stud-
Management Association, 813 June 1997, Toronto,
ies of HMX. Phase 2. Detailed Studies. Menlo Park,
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California: SRI International. ADA145122.