ethanol and 8.5 mL of HCl) (Jork et al. 1994b).
brought to volume with ethanol (Yinon and Zitrin
1981). The solution should be thoroughly mixed
5% KOH
and made fresh prior to use.
A 5-g portion of KOH is dissolved in 100 mL of
ethanol (Jork et al. 1994a).
EDA : DMSO (1 : 1)
A 25-mL portion of EDA is mixed with 25 mL of
Hach NitriVer3 solution
DMSO. It forms a clear, colorless solution
Two packets of prepackaged Hach NitriVer3
(Hoffsommer and McCullough 1968).
powder pillows are dissolved in 40 mL of water
DEAB reagent (0.25% DEAB in 0.25 N HCl
(Walsh and Jenkins 1991).
in ethanol)
A 250-mg portion of DEAB is mixed with 100
Griess reagents
mL of 0.25 N HCl in ethanol until dissolved
Peak's Griess reagent (Peak 1980). Solution A: A
(Yasuda 1964). The resulting solution is yellow-
0.1-g portion of N-1-naphthylenediamine dichlo-
orange in color and may be stored in the dark at
ride is dissolved in 100 mL of water.
4C for up to three weeks.
Solution B: A 0.5-g portion of sulfanilic acid is
dissolved in 14 mL of acetic acid and brought to
DMAB reagent
100 mL with water. Equal amounts of solutions A
A 1-g portion of DMAB is mixed with 3 mL of
and B are added together immediately before use.
HCl, 30 mL of ethanol, and 18 mL of butanol. The
Individual solutions may be stored in the dark at
4C for up to three weeks.
resulting solution is light yellow in color and may
be stored in the dark at 4C for up to three weeks
Higg's Griess reagent (Higgs and Hayes 1982). So-
(Jork et al. 1994b).
lution A: A 20-mg portion of N-1-naphthyl-
ethylenediamine dichloride is dissolved in 100 mL
Bratton-Marshall reagent
of 0.1 N HCl.
A 0.1-g portion of N-1-naphthylethylene-
Solution B: A 200-mg portion of sulfanilic acid
diamine2 HCl is mixed with 5 mL of 2 N HCl
is dissolved in 100 mL of 2 N HCl. Equal volumes
and 95 mL of butanol (Yinon and Zitrin 1981). The
of both solutions are mixed together immediately
solution is stirred until dissolved. The resulting
before use.
solution is light gray in color.
Preparation of standards and sample extracts
DMACA reagent (0.25% DMACA in 0.25 N HCl
Stock standard solutions of TNT (1000 mg/L),
in ethanol)
TNB (725 mg/L), tetryl (505 mg/L), 2,4-DNT (1000
A 250-mg portion of DMACA is mixed with 100
mg/L), 2-A-DNT (1000 mg/L), 4-A-DNT (1000
mL of 0.25 N HCl in ethanol until dissolved (Jork
mg/L), RDX (1000 mg/L), HMX (1000 mg/L),
et al. 1994b). The resulting solution is yellow-
PETN (2000 mg/L), and NG (2000 mg/L) were
orange in color and may be stored in the dark at
prepared by dissolving the dry material in either
4C for up to three weeks.
HPLC-grade acetone or acetonitrile. The stock so-
lutions were further diluted when smaller concen-
NaIO4 and KMnO4 reagent (0.1% NaIO4 and 0.5%
trations were needed. Soil samples used in this
KMnO4 in 4% NaOH)
study were previously obtained from Defence
A 0.1-g portion of NaIO4 is combined with 0.5 g
Research Establishment Valcartier (DREV) Tank
of KMnO4, and 100 mL of 4% NaOH is added and
Firing Range in Quebec, Canada; Hawthorne
mixed until dissolved (Carlson and Thompson
Depot in Illinois; and Umatilla Army Depot in
Oregon. Soil extracts were prepared as described
1% DPA
by Jenkins (1990) and Walsh and Jenkins (1991).
A 500-mg portion of DPA is dissolved in 50 ml
of ethanol (Bagnato and Grasso 1986).
General thin-layer chromatography procedures
The developing tank was prepared by the addi-
tion of the mobile phase (200 mL) and equilibrated
A 0.5-g portion of sodium nitrite is dissolved in
for approximately 30 to 40 minutes or until the
10 mL of water and the solution is brought to 50
tank liner had been saturated. The TLC plates were
mL with an ethanol and HCl mixture (41.5 mL of
prepared for sample spotting by designating the