Oil and Gas Journal (1975) Western Siberia to
Oil and Gas Journal (1986) USSR started laying
yield third of Soviet oil. 73(50): 3435.
186-mile gas pipeline from Mozdok, north of
Oil and Gas Journal (1977) Russia's oil, gas ex-
Caucasus Mountains, to Tbilisi, capital of Geor-
ports set record. 75(33): 28, 3031.
gian Republic, south of Caucasus. 84(3): 52.
Oil and Gas Journal (1978) USSR completing con-
Oil and Gas Journal (1986) USSR has made last
struction of Soyuz gas pipeline. 76(23): 39.
weld on its 56-inch 1955-mile gas pipeline from
Oil and Gas Journal (1978) Soviets mounting drive
western Siberia's super giant Yamburg field to
to avert oil downturn. 76(38): 6166.
Yelets, southeast of Moscow. 84(10): 6.
Oil and Gas Journal (1979) Soviet geologists rap
Oil and Gas Journal (1987) Soviets building big
energy planners. 77(6): 38, 40, 42.
gas pipeline. 85(44): 20.
Oil and Gas Journal (1979) USSR completes
Oil and Gas Journal (1987) Western Siberia will
branch of Northern Lights gas pipeline system.
be a key to Soviet plans to boost hydrocarbon
77(24): 50.
production. 85(49): 3335, 38, 40.
Oil and Gas Journal (1979) Soviets complete 95-
Oil and Gas Journal (1990) Money woes pressure
mile Associated gas pipeline. 77(36): 44.
U.S.S.R. to seek help. 88(23): 38, 4042.
Oil and Gas Journal (1980) Soviet oil export vol-
Oil and Gas Journal (1990) Tengiz holds promise,
ume dropped during 1979. 78(30): 128130.
problems for Soviets. 88(25): 2121.
Oil and Gas Journal (1980) USSR building 2 new
Oil and Gas Journal (1990) Soviets accelerating
natural gas pipelines. 78(31): 31.
E&P joint venture. 88(46): 40, 42.
Oil and Gas Journal (1980) USSR completes West-
Oil and Gas Journal (1991) Soviet oil industry
ern Siberia gas pipeline. 78(40): 54.
woes may extend crisis. 89(22): 6566, 68, 70.
Oil and Gas Journal (1981) Soviets complete 200-
Oil and Gas Journal (1991) Profits, progress on
mile gas pipeline from Evlakh to Nakhichevan.
Soviet ventures outlined. 89(32): 3134.
79(4): 122.
Oil and Gas Journal (1992) Western Siberia leads
Oil and Gas Journal (1981) Pipelines hold key to
slide in former U.S.S.R.'s oil production. 90(5):
Soviet gas production. 79: 3941.
Oil and Gas Journal (1981) Soviets push for con-
Oil and Gas Journal (1992) More joint ventures
struction of strategic Yamal gas line. 79(44): 5762.
surface for Russian E&D projects. 90(12): 2830.
Oil and Gas Journal (1981) Oil production growth
Oil and Gas Journal (1992) Gaz de France; con-
rate slowing fast in Soviet Union. 79(48): 2327.
tract to revamp gas pipeline network in St. Pe-
Oil and Gas Journal (1983) First oil from western
tersburg, Russia. 90(15): 4.
Siberia's Tyumen Province reaches Baku refineries
Oil and Gas Journal (1992) Russia [constructing
via Soviet's new 373-mile crude oil pipeline.
gas pipeline in Siberia]. 90(20): 39.
81(34): 5.
Oil and Gas Journal (1992) The C.I.S. has run into
Oil and Gas Journal (1984) Poland started work
more setbacks [in maintaining operations of its
on its 124-mile portion of a 177-mile gas pipeline
integrated gas pipeline system]. 90(29): 4.
from Kobryn in Soviet Union to Warsaw. 82(29):
Oil and Gas Journal (1992) Russia pins energy
hopes on western Siberia gas. 90(36): 1720.
Oil and Gas Journal (1985) Soviet spending ac-
Oil and Gas Journal (1992) Russian JV workovers
cents natural gas pipelines. 83(28): 62.
proliferating. 90(45): 34,36.
Oil and Gas Journal (1985) Soviets weld first pipe
Oil and Gas Journal (1992) Production contest
on second gas pipeline from Yamburg field north
likely as capacity surplus grows. 90(52): 3946,
of Arctic Circle in western Siberia to Yelets, over
4862, 6485.
half of first YeletsYamburg line laid. 83(34): 52.
Oil and Gas Journal (1993) More tracts open in
Oil and Gas Journal (1985) USSR plans major gas
former U.S.S.R. 91(13): 2830.
pipeline extensions, YamburgYelets line will be
Oil and Gas Journal (1993) Benton Oil & Gas has
built beyond Yelets and through the Ukraine to
completed its Russian oil pipeline and expects
the Romanian border. 83(13): 46.
Geoibent to start production from North Gubin-
Oil and Gas Journal (1985) USSR laid the first
skoye oil and gas field in western Siberia in the
pipe on the eastern Siberian mainland part of
third quarter. 91(15): 2.
the gas pipeline being built from Okha to
Oil and Gas Journal (1993) Russia plans ambi-
Komsomolsk-on-Amur. 83(24): 84.
tious Arctic marine pipelines. 91(18): 3436.
Oil and Gas Journal (1986) Soviets seek higher
Oil and Gas Journal (1994) Trans-Urals replace-
heavy oil output. 84(3): 5051.
ment NGL line nearing installation. 92(4): 3537.