The Trade & Industry Database is produced by
nologies for all industries. IAC PROMPT contains
Information Access Company, Foster City, Cali-
3.7 million records from 1972 to the present. The
fornia, and is available for searching from Dialog
database is produced and copyrighted by Infor-
Search Service, Palo Alto, California. The Trade &
mation Access Company and is available from
Industry database provides comprehensive index-
Dialog Search Service, Palo Alto, California.
ing of a variety of international business, trade,
Energy Science & Technology is a multi-
and industry journals. The database contains over
disciplinary database containing worldwide ref-
5.5 million records from 1981 to the present. The
erences to basic and applied scientific and techni-
database is copyrighted by Information Access
cal research literature. The information is collected
Company. Data may not be duplicated in hard
for use by government managers, researchers at
copy or machine-readable form without written
the national laboratories, and other research ef-
authorization from the database supplier.
forts sponsored by the U.S. Department of En-
ITAR/TASS News is the official state news
ergy, and the results of the research are transfer-
agency of Russia. ITAR/TASS correspondents col-
red to the public. Energy Science & Technology
lect news from 74 bureaus in Russia and the other
contains over 3.4 million records from 1974 to the
countries in the Commonwealth of Independent
present. This database is available from Dialog
States and 62 bureaus in 59 foreign countries. The
Search Service, Palo Alto, California. Use of the
ITAR/TASS News database contains over 14,000
database is restricted to users located within the
records since 1996. The database is produced by
United States and the following countries: Aus-
Comtex Scientific Corp. in Alexandria, Virginia,
tralia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland,
and is provided on Dialog Search Service, Palo
France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Re-
Alto, California. The ITAR/TASS News database
public of Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
is copyrighted by ITAR/TASS News Agency via
the United Kingdom. Information obtained from
the database must be for use only within the user's
The World Translations Index provides access to
country and must not be transferred, in whole or
existing translations of literature relating to all
in part, to individuals or organizations outside
fields of science and technology. The World Trans-
the user's national boundaries. This is a require-
lations Index currently contains over 400,000
ment of the information exchange agreement be-
records from 1979 to the present. The database is
tween these countries and the U.S., which forbids
provided by ITC, Delft, The Netherlands, and is
third-party disclosure.
available from Dialog Search Service, Palo Alto,
Newspaper Abstracts is produced by University
Microfilms Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, and is avail-
PASCAL is produced by the Institut de
able from Dialog Search Service, Palo Alto, Cali-
l'Information Scientifique et Technique (INIST)
fornia. This database provides coverage of 20 ma-
of the French National Research Council. It pro-
jor regional, national, and international newspa-
vides access to the world's scientific and technical
pers. Newspaper Abstracts contains over 2.5 mil-
literature and contains over 11 million records
lion records from 1984 to 1988. This database is
from 1973 to the present. The database is avail-
available from Dialog Search Service, Palo Alto,
able from Dialog Search Service, Palo Alto, Cali-
Newspaper Abstracts Daily is produced by Uni-
APILIT, the American Petroleum Institute Lit-
versity Microfilms Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, and
erature Abstracts, provides coverage of literature
is available from Dialog Search Service, Palo Alto,
related to petroleum and petrochemical indus-
California. This database provides coverage from
tries. APILIT contains information from over 200
more than 25 major regional, national, and inter-
sources, including technical journals and reports,
national newspapers. Newspaper Abstracts Daily
meetings, papers, trade magazines, and disserta-
contains over 3.5 million records from 1989 to the
tions. APILIT contains more than 561,000 records
present. This database is available from Dialog
from 1964 to the present. It is produced by the
Search Service, Palo Alto, California.
American Petroleum Institute, New York, and is
AP NEWS is produced by the Associated Press,
available from Dialog Search Service, Palo Alto,
New York, and provides the full text of its cover-
age of national, international, and business news.
IAC PROMPT is a multiple-industry database
AP NEWS is available 24 hours after it is trans-
that provides broad, international coverage of
mitted and is compiled by more than 1,100 jour-
companies, products, markets, and applied tech-
nalists in 141 United States news bureaus and 83