Bibliography on Northern Pipelines
in the Former Soviet Union
because some are relevant to more than one of the
subject categories.
In 1993 a pilot project between the Defense
The bibliography was compiled using commer-
Technical Information Center and the U.S. Army
cially available databases. Multiple databases were
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Labora-
searched and references were retrieved. Addi-
tory resulted in a proposal to conduct a state-of-
tional references were taken from relevant litera-
the-art review of technology and techniques for
ture. The subjects searched included information
building, operating, and maintaining arctic natu-
on pipelines in the former Soviet Union, prima-
ral gas and liquid petroleum pipelines in the
rily in the eastern and western areas of Siberia.
former Soviet Union. The objectives of the pipe-
References were eliminated that were not of di-
line review were to
rect interest to the pipeline study.
1. Review the design, construction, opera-
tion, and maintenance procedures of oil and gas
pipelines in the permafrost areas of eastern and
western Siberia.
2. Assemble data on the evolution of Sibe-
The COMPENDEX PLUS databases are pro-
rian pipelines, reflecting changes in size, modes
duced by Engineering Information, Inc., New
of construction, and age.
York, and provide coverage of the world's sig-
3. Assemble data on maintenance procedures
nificant engineering and technological literature.
and practices, including inspection techniques
Each record in COMPENDEX PLUS is a reference
with respect to corrosion, pipe wrinkling, and
to a journal article, technical report, engineering
metal fatigue.
society publication, book, conference proceedings,
4. Assemble data on pipeline failures and
or individual conference paper, and includes a
attempt to predict life expectancy of different pipe-
concise abstract describing the document. Ap-
lines under the harsh arctic environment.
proximately 25% of the records indexed are pub-
5. Evaluate the environmental impact of dif-
lished in a language other than English. The data-
ferent pipeline construction techniques and relate
base contains more than 3.5 million records from
it to ruptures and breaks.
1970 to the present. This database was searched
In conjunction with the study objectives, a lit-
on the Dialog Search Service, Palo Alto, California;
erature search was conducted on northern pipe-
it is copyrighted by Engineering Information, Inc.,
lines in the former Soviet Union. References were
Hoboken, New Jersey. Use or copying of all or
compiled on dates of construction, location, route
part of COMPENDEX PLUS is not authorized.
conditions, design, construction, maintenance, en-
The use of materials supplied in the database or
vironmental impact, accidents, production man-
any copies thereof for the purpose of loan, resale,
agement, and other pertinent facts.
rental use, or gift to any third person, organiza-
In the resulting bibliography, references are
tion, or corporation is strictly forbidden. No part
separated into three categories: Oil and Gas Pipe-
of COMPENDEX PLUS may be copied in ma-
lines, Construction, and Accidents. There is some
chine-readable form for delivery to or made avail-
repetition of references between the categories
able for the use of any third party.