Table 2. Method detection limits (MDL) for analytes used in the tubing
material study.
nitrobenzene (NB)
chlorobenzene (CLB)
trans-1,2-dichloroethylene (TDCE)
o-dichlorobenzene (ODCB)
m-nitrotoluene (MNT)
p-dichlorobenzene (PDCB)
trichloroethylene (TCE)
tetrachloroethylene (PCE)
pound to methanol contained in a 50-mL glass
to account for any losses due to volatiles leaking
volumetric flask on a balance so that the concen-
through loose caps or sorption by the glass vials,
tration was approximately 2000 mg/L. A com-
Teflon liners, or plastic caps. There were two con-
bined standard (∼200 mg/L for each analyte) was
trols for each size vial and sampling time. All sam-
made by pipeting 10 mL of each single compound
ples were kept in the dark at room temperature.
standard into a 100-mL glass volumetric flask par-
When it was time to take a sample, an aliquot of
tially filled with methanol and then bringing to
each sample was transfered from each of the test
volume with methanol. These standards were
vials to an autosampler vial using a Pasteur pipet.
kept in a freezer. Working standards (∼10 mg/L)
Analysis was performed as described previously.
were made by pipeting 5 mL of the combined
standard (warmed to room temperature) into a
Analysis of leachates
50-mL glass volumetric flask partially filled with
Several of the chromatograms for solutions
deionized water, then bringing to volume with
exposed to the various tubings contained spurious
deionized water. This working standard was seri-
peaks. Thus, leaching of some type of constituents
ally diluted in deionized water, giving standards
occurred in samples exposed to nine types of tub-
of approximately 1.00, 0.100, and 0.0100 mg/L for
ing. In order to determine what some of these con-
each analyte. These working standard solutions
taminants were, we analyzed one of each of the
were made fresh each sampling period and run in
final (72 hr) samples for each of the twenty tubings
triplicate. The method detection limits (MDL) for
for semivolatile organics using GC-MS. Two GC-
the analytes (Table 2) were obtained according to
MS systems were used, each with a different col-
the EPA protocol described elsewhere (Federal
umn. The first system consisted of a Hewlett Pack-
Register 1984).
ard (HP) 5890 series II gas chromatograph and an
HP 5970 mass selective detector with an HP1 cap-
illary column, 25-m 0.2-mm ID (0.33 m). The
Second sorption study
Because three of the tubings used in this study
second GC-MS system consisted of an HP 5890
(PTFE, ETFE, and polyamide) had different sur-
series II gas chromatograph, an HP 5972 mass
face-area-to-solution-volume ratios than the other
selective detector, and an HP 7673 auto-injector
with an HP5 capillary column, 30-m 0.25-mm
tubings, this study was conducted so that we
ID (0.25 m). Operating parameters were the same
could compare sorption of organic solutes by
these tubings with the other seventeen tubings.
on both instruments: initial column temperature of
60C (hold 1 min.), then ramp to 300C at 6C/
In this study, 5-cm pieces of the three tubing
types were placed in three different-sized glass vi-
min. (hold 19 min.). The injector/detector temper-
atures were 250C and 300C, respectively. Carrier
als (9, 25, and 40 mL). The test solution was made
of the same organic compounds and in the same
gas was helium with a linear velocity of 20 cm/s
set at 60C. For the first instrument, 3 L were in-
manner as in the previous study. The solution was
poured into the vials so there was no headspace,
jected manually, while for the second instrument, 1
L was injected by auto injection. Both injections
and the vials were capped with Teflon-lined plas-
tic caps. The total surface-area-to-solution-volume
had a splitless hold time of 45 sec. Mass scan was
ratios for PTFE were 0.70, 1.15, 3.55; for ETFE, 0.45,
from 45 to 550.
0.74, and 2.15; and for nylon, 0.69, 1.14, and 3.59.
Samples were taken after one hour, eight hours,
and 24 hours. There were duplicates for each sam-
ple time and tubing type. The same-sized vials (9,
Sorption studies
25, and 40 mL) filled with test solution (without
For the first study, the data for all the replicates
tubing) served as controls. The controls were used
for each analyte, tubing, and time can be found in