days (Table 1). These qualities made it possible for
from Point Barrow, Alaska (PBA). Clay and organic
us to distribute subsamples fortified with VOCs
carbon concentrations for these soils are shown in
for an interlaboratory study where both extraction
Table 2.
and determinative accuracy were evaluated.
In preparation for the vapor fortification treat-
Sixteen laboratories were sent duplicate sub-
ment, the soils were air-dried overnight, sieved
samples of three different soils, each vapor-
through a 30-mesh screen and mixed thoroughly.
fortified with trans-1,2-dichloroethylene (TDCE),
Forty individual subsamples were prepared for
trichoroethylene (TCE), benzene (Ben) and toluene
each soil type by transferring weighed quantities
(Tol). To demonstrate precision between prepara-
into 1.0-mL glass ampoules using a stainless steel
tion batches, each soil set consisted of subsamples
spatula and plastic funnel. The PBA subsamples
weighed to 1.50 0.01 g, while the RMA soil and
that were independently fortified. Thirteen labora-
TB sediment subsamples weighed 2.00 0.01 g.
tories (App. A) submitted analyte concentration
estimates for these soils, using Method 8240 of the
Different weights were chosen so that the volume
SW-846 (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
of soil was consistent and filled only the body of
1986). This method of determination is based on
the glass ampoule.
methanol extraction purge-and-trap gas chroma-
Vapor fortification was performed on batches of
tography/mass spectrometry (PT/GC/MS) analy-
20 subsamples of a given soil at a time so as to limit
sis. The results from 12 of these laboratories were
the exposure period while the ampoules were
used to establish consensus analyte concentrations
sealed. Each batch of soil-filled ampoules was
for these soils after a statistical evaluation using
placed in a 5.6-L desiccator with a dish of anhy-
drous CaSO4. Following two days of desiccation,
Youden plots, laboratory ranking and Dixon's test
the CaSO4 was replaced with an open 60-mL glass
(Youden and Steiner 1975, Dixon 1953). This re-
bottle containing 50 mL of a solution of the ana-
port documents the round-robin design, the re-
lytes of interest to start the fortification process.
sults (App. B), the statistical evaluation and our
This solution was prepared by combining 25 mL of
conclusions about the merits of VOC performance
a MeOH stock solution (0.60 g of Tol, 0.59 g of
evaluation soil subsamples.
TCE, 0.50 g of TDCE and 0.35 g of Ben diluted to
100 mL) with 25 mL of tetraethylene glycol dimeth-
yl ether (tetraglyme). This equal-volume combina-
tion of MeOH and tetraglyme was found to be rel-
Participating laboratories
atively insensitive to laboratory temperatures (17
Twenty-two laboratories were asked to partici-
to 24C) and produced the most predictable and
pate in this round-robin study. Sixteen labora-
precise treatment levels for the solvents and sol-
tories agreed to participate, of which 13 returned
vent mixtures tested (Hewitt 1993).
completed report forms after receiving and ana-
After seven days of vapor fortification, the des-
lyzing the VOC-fortified soil subsamples.
iccator was opened and a 5-mm-diameter glass
bead was rapidly placed on top of each ampoule,
Preparation and distribution of test materials
forming a temporary cap. Then, as quickly as pos-
Three soil matrices were used in this study.
sible, each ampoule was put in a metal tension
Two of these soils serve as reference matrices for
clamp and the neck was heat-sealed using a pro-
the U.S. Army Environmental Center: a marine
pane plumber's torch. This operation took approxi-
sediment from Tampa Bay, Florida (TB), and a
mately 10 minutes from the time the desiccator
composite soil from the Rocky Mountain Arsenal
(RMA) in Denver, Colorado. The third soil was
was opened until all the ampoules were sealed. A
sharp-pointed tip was created when sealing the
Table 2. Characteristics of soils.
ampoules to facilitate breaking when preparing for
analysis. Details on the development of this proce-
dure and its performance have been documented
Organic carbon (%)
elsewhere (Hewitt 1993, 1994d,e, in press).
Clay (%)
Each fortification batch and the sequence in
which the individual ampoules were heat sealed
* TB = marine sediment, Tampa Bay, Flor-
were recorded. Sixteen sets, each consisting of six
RMA = Rocky Mt. Arsenal composite soil,
subsamples, were prepared. Each set contained
Denver, Colorado.
one sample randomly selected from the first 16
PBA = soil, Point Barrow, Alaska.
samples in each of the six treatment batches. This
NA = not available