Chapter 11
Model Outputs
11.0 Introduction
FASST produces two output files. One contains information pertaining to the surface
conditions and the other contains soil profile information. Details concerning the actual
setup of the two files may be found in the FASST User's Manual (Frankenstein 2004).
11.1 Surface Condition Information
At each time step the following meteorological data and surface data are output.
Day of the Year
Hour of the Day
Minute of the Hour
Air Pressure (mbar)
Air Temperature (K)
Relative Humidity (%)
Wind Speed (m/s)
Wind Direction (degrees from N, + = clockwise)
Precipitation Type (0 = unknown, 1 = none, 2 = rain, 3 = snow, 4 = freezing rain)
Low Cloud Amount (tenths)
Low Cloud Height (km)
Low Cloud Type
(If BTRA (VITD):0 = none, 1 = stratus, 2 = stratocumulus, 3=cumulus
Else (SEDRIS): 0 = none
1= cumulus humulis or cumulus fractus
2 = cumulus mediocris or congestus
stratocumulus or stratus
4 = stratocumulus cumulogentius
5 = other stratocumulus types
6 = stratus nebulosus and/or startus fractus
7 = startus fractus and/or cumulus fractus of bad weather
8 = cumulus and stratocumulus
99 = no clouds visible
Middle Cloud Amount (tenths)
Middle Cloud Height (km)