Workshop on New Grass Germplasms
Palazzo, A.J., K.H. Asay, and K.B. Jensen (2000) Identify resilient plant
characteristics and develop wear-resistant plant cultivars for use on military
training lands. Partners in Environmental Technology: Technical Symposium
and Workshop, 2830 November 2000, Arlington, Virginia.
Palazzo, A.J., K.H. Asay, K.B. Jensen, and B.L. Waldron (2001) Identify
resilient plant characteristics and develop wear-resistant plant cultivars for use
on military training lands. Partners in Environmental Technology: Technical
Symposium and Workshop, 2729 November 2001, Arlington, Virginia.
Waldron, B.L., K.B. Jensen, K.H. Asay, and A.J. Palazzo (2001) Genotype
by location effects on seed traits of western wheatgrass. Agronomy Abstracts,
Charlotte, North Carolina.
Published book chapters
Gatto, L.W., J.J. Halvorson, D.K. McCool, and A.J. Palazzo (2001) Effects
of freezethaw cycling on soil erosion (Chapter 3). In Landscape Erosion and
Evolution Modeling (R.S. Harmon and W.W. Doe III, Ed.). New York: Kluwer
Academic/Plenum Publishers, p. 2955.
General interest publications
SERDP (2001) Getting to the root of DoD's revegetation problem: SERDP
success story. SERDP Information Bulletin, Fall 2001(10): 3,7.
Wood, M. (2001) Plants that take a lickin' and keep on tickin.' Agricultural
Research, 49(10): 1011.