Workshop on New Grass Germplasms
Jensen, K.B., M. Redinbaugh, M. Blood, W.H. Horton, and K.H. Asay
(1999) Natural hybrids of Elymus elymoides X Leymus salinus subsp. salmonis
(Poaceae): Triticeae). Crop Science, 39: 976982.
Larson, S.R., E. Cartier, C.L. McCracken, and D. Dyer (accepted) Mode
of reproduction and AFLP variation in purple needlegrass (Nassella pulchra):
Utilization of natural germplasm sources. Molecular Ecology.
Larson, S.R., T.A. Jones, Z.-M. Hu, A.J. Palazzo, and C.L. McCracken
(2000) Genetic diversity of bluebunch wheatgrass cultivars and a multiple-origin
polycross. Crop Science, 40: 11421147. (Featured on the cover.)
Larson, S.R., B.L. Waldron, S. Monsen, L. St. John, A.J. Palazzo, C.L.
McCracken, and R.D. Harrison (2001) Patterns of AFLP variation in the Poa
bluegrasses of western North America. Crop Science, 41: 13001305.
Palazzo, A.J., and S.E. Hardy (1998) Department of Defense evaluates genetic
diversity on military training lands and breeds new plants for Army training
grounds. Diversity, 14: 2830.
Technical reports
Asay, K.H., K.B. Jensen, T.A. Jones, B.L. Waldron, A.J. Palazzo, D.A.
Johnson, W.H. Horton, and N.J. Chatterton (2001) Breeding native and
introduced grasses and legumes for the Northern Plains Area. Society of Range
Management. Kilo, Hawaii. (Invitational paper.)
Harrison, R.D., N.J. Chatterton, B.L. Waldron, B.W. Davenport, A.J.
Palazzo, W.H. Horton, and K.H. Asay (2000) Forage kochia--Its compatibility
and potential aggressiveness on Intermountain rangelands. Utah Ag. Exp. Sta.
Research Report 162. Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-4820. 66 pages
Harrison, R.D., B.L. Waldron, K.B. Jensen, R. Page, and W.H. Horton
(2001) The use of forage kochia to suppress fire through green stripping. USDA-
ARS-Forage and Range Research Lab.
Palazzo, A.J., S.E. Hardy, and K. Taylor (1999) Report of independent review
panel meeting: Evaluation of naturalized species being used for new cultivar
development. CRREL Contract Report CON 154, U.S. Army Cold Regions
Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire.