Workshop on New Grass Germplasms
Asay, K.H., N.J. Chatterton, K.B. Jensen, R.R-C. Wang, D.A. Johnson,
W.H. Horton, A.J. Palazzo, and S.A. Young (1997) Registration of `CD-II'
crested wheatgrass. Crop Science, 37: 1023.
Asay, K.H., K.B. Jensen, W.H. Horton, D.A. Johnson, N.J. Chatterton, and
S.A. Young (1999) Registration of `RoadCrest' crested wheatgrass. Crop
Science, 39: 1535.
Jensen, K.B., K.H. Asay, D.A. Johnson, W.H. Horton, A.J. Palazzo, and N.J.
Chatterton (1998) Registration of RWR-Tetra-1 tetraploid. Crop Science, 38:
Palazzo, A.J., and S.E. Hardy (1998) Department of Defense evaluates genetic
diversity on military lands and breeds new plants for Army training grounds.
Diversity, 14(3 and 4): 2830.
Palazzo, A.J., S.E. Hardy, and K. Taylor (1999) Report of independent review
panel meeting: Evaluation of naturalized species being used for new cultivar
development. CRREL Contract Report CON 154, U.S. Army Cold Regions
Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire.